Učka Tunnel – Croatia

THE PROJECTConstruction by Bouygues Travaux Publics Croatia of a new road parallel to an existing one, in the middle of the Učka mountain range. There is therefore digging of a traditional tunnel of 6 kilometers in parallel with an existing tunnel. The two tunnels are connected by branches, which are more sensitive points. The aim […]
Autopista al Mar 2 project

The Autopista al Mar 2 project is composed by six functional units, covering a total length of 254 kilometers between the municipalities of Cañasgordas and Necoclí, in Antioquia. The works include the construction of 17.7 kilometres of single carriageway, 63 bridges and 14 tunnels, including the Fuemia tunnel and two false tunnels. SISGEO LATINOAMÉRICA provides […]
Highway 4G Cúcuta – Pamplona

The Unión Vial Río Pamplonita Concessionaire is in charge of the Pamplona-Cúcuta dual carriageway, the most important road infrastructure work in Norte de Santander. This project is a solution to the border mobility between Colombia and Venezuela, as well as with the northeast of Colombia. The main characteristics of the project are: its length of […]
“La Linea” Road Pass, Colombia

Tunnel “La Linea”, recently inaugurated, connects Colombia from the south-west to the center of the country, from Portal Bermellón in Cajamarca – Tolima, to Portal Galicia in Calarcá – Quindío. With a length of more than 8 kilometers, it is the longest road tunnel in the Americas. The road has two motorways exits and 13,4 […]
Grand Paris Express

Le Grand Paris Express est le plus grand projet urbain en Europe avec la construction de 200 km de lignes automatiques, soit autant que le métro actuel, et 68 gares. Les quatre nouvelles lignes du Grand Paris Express (15, 16, 17 et 18), ainsi que la ligne 14 prolongée au nord et au sud, seront […]
Forrestfield Airport Link

“The $1.86 billion Forrestfield-Airport Link is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian governments and will deliver a new rail service to the eastern suburbs of Perth – with three new stations at Belmont, Airport Central and Forrestfield.The rail link will connect with the existing Midland line near Bayswater Station and will run to […]
Warsaw Metro Project – Line 2

The 6.5 km east-west route links Rondo Daszyńskiego and Dworzec Wileński includes seven stations and an 870 m tunnel under the Wisła River. The civil works began late in 2010 and became operative in March 2015. In 2016 the works for the extension toward east and west of the second line started, estimated schedule of […]
Tunnel en contexte urbain: Station Hakata du métro de Fukuoka – Japon

Le creusement du tunnel de la station Hakata pour le métro de la ville de Fukuoka au Japon a été effectué en creusement partiel. Au-dessus du tunnel se trouvent une route à trafic dense et différentes structures comme un parking souterrain, des conduites de gaz et des pompes de relevage. Les contraintes de faible recouvrement […]
Rome Underground – Line C – Italy

Rome metro Line C runs through the city from North-West (Della Vittoria district) to the eastern suburb and is extending beyond the Grande Raccordo Anulare.Line C has a full-run of 25,6 km and 30 stations, passing through the old town centre.The Route will be characterised by the green colour. The interchanges with the other metro […]
Monitoring works for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games – Russia

Sisgeo, thanks to the collaboration with its Russian partners AGT Systems and GPIKO, furnished and installed all the equipments necessary to monitor the most important road and railway works that are under construction in Sochi area, that is the neural centre of 2014 Winter Olympics.The monitored works are: retaining walls for the protection of roads, […]
Athens Metro, Greece

A new, modern, fast, comfortable, reliable and safe transport mode has been gradually been in operation since January 2000. Today, 23 Metro Stations are in operation at both METRO lines: Line 2 SEPOLIA – AGHIOS DIMITRIOS/ALEXANDROS PANAGOULIS (red Line) and Line 3. The whole Project is divided into: The Stations of the Base Project: MONASTIRAKI-ETHNIKI […]
Cantanghel idraulic tunnel, access tunnel and main tunnels – Italy
Project Name: Martignano Tunnel Purpose of the project: Variant of S.S.47 “Valsugana” Project location: Italy – Trento Client: TOTO Costruzioni Spa – Italy Contractor: Provincia di Trento – Italy Tunnel Type: Double highway tunnel Excavation method: TBM machine Total length: About 4.200 meter Tunnel diameter: 12 meter End of construction: December 2006