FAQ#98 – Come devo procedere per inviare merce in riparazione? Come si richiede una RMA?

La strumentazione in rientro deve essere preventivamente approvata e deve ricevere un codice identificativo.Vi preghiamo di procedere alla richiesta della RMA al seguente link https://support.sisgeo.com/hc/it e seguire questi passaggi:• cliccare su PORTALE ASSISTENZA• cliccare LOGIN, se si dispone già di un account inserire le credenziali e cliccare ACCEDI. Se invece non si dispone di un […]

FAQ#095 – How long does a chain of digital sensors take to be read?

It mainly depends from the powering mode of the gauges (refer to FAQ#094 for the description of the powering modes). AN EXAMPLE WILL BETTER CLARIFY THE ANSWER. In a batch of 240 gauges, unless otherwise requested by the Customer, the addresses are settled from #001 up to #240. In a borehole is installed a chain of 30 […]

FAQ#093 – B.R.A.IN App Devices Compatibility

B.R.A.IN App is compatible with Android OS (from ver.7) and Apple iOS (from ver.11). Moreover the device have to be compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) v.4.2. At this link you can find all the smartphone and tablet tested by SISGEO. NOTE: the list of devices is updating time by time.

FAQ#091 – How can I read data from 0MEPR106000 barometer in engineering units?

The Barometer model 0MEPR106000 have a 4-20mA current loop output.The measuring range is from 800 mbar (equivalent to 4 mA) to 1200 mbar (equivalent to 20 mA). Manual readings are taken connecting the wires to a readout according to the following instructions: Signal: 4-20mA current loop Red: + LoopBlack: – Loop The following formula allows […]

FAQ#090 – Are the old 16/32 ch multiplexers compatible with OMNIAlog?

The available gateways for WR LOG system are: – 0LSWR868GW0  – 0LSWR915GW0 – 0LSWR923GW0 These models differ from the frequency utilized by the internal 2G/3G modem. In order to choose for the right gateway, please refer to the document to be downloaded. If more than one model is suggested for the installation Country, you have […]

FAQ#089 – Which is Gateway model to choose for WR LOG wireless system?

The available gateways for WR LOG system are: – 0LSWR868GW0  – 0LSWR915GW0 – 0LSWR923GW0 These models differ from the frequency utilized by the internal 2G/3G modem. In order to choose for the right gateway, please refer to the document to be downloaded. If more than one model is suggested for the installation Country, you have […]

FAQ#087 – Could the IPI, BH Profile and DEX probes have problems in frozen water?

Sisgeo suggest that frozen water within the inclinometer casings is to be avoided due to following reasons: – Ice within the casing will affect functionality of the systems by blocking the individual probes;– Mechanical damages can occur to the probes, but also to the inclinometer casing due to the expansion of frozen water In any […]