Sisgeo welcomes Mr. Jurgis Klaudius – Area Manager for Germany and Austria

During his academic tenure, Jurgis graduated in Geology with a Diploma (MSc equivalent) at Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg i.Br. with his thesis on tectonic features of the Simpson Fault System (Switzerland). After that, he worked on the evolution of Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania) during his PhD thesis at the same university. Moving into industry, Jurgis joined […]

Un’Europa connessa dispone di infrastrutture efficienti e sicure

Un viaggio tra le grandi opere con Sisgeo, azienda specializzata nella produzione di strumenti per il monitoraggio strutturale e geotecnico DI FEDERICA VENNI Una storia quasi trentennale che ha visto passare molta acqua sotto i ponti, e per Sisgeo non è solo un modo di dire. Testimone del “cambiamento epocale” che il settore ha vissuto […]

SISGEO RAIL® and FLX-RAIL® made headlines

[…] SISGEO MESURE LA DANSE DU RAILLe FLX-Rail® mesure de façon automatique et continue la déformation verticale maximale du rail à chaque passage de train, phénomène communément appelé « danse du rail ». […] Discover the entire article:

Huggenberger become Exclusive Distributor for SISGEO in Switzerland

HUGGENBERGER AG, as a part of SISGEO SRL Group, has been appointed as Exclusive Distributor for SISGEO instruments in Switzerland.Thanks to this Agreement, Huggenberger aims to approach the domestic market as one-stop-shop for geotechnical instrumentation.Indeed, besides its well-known in-house manufactured instruments, HUGGENBERGER is now able to propose a wider range of solutions.In the next future, […]