The new Sisgeo BH-Profile: designed for the highest performances

The New Sisgeo BH-Profile, Borehole Profile Inclinometer, is the perfect solution for the highest performances in remote monitoring of casings deformed by active soil movements. BH-Profile chains allow the most stable readings and the most accurate results thanks to their renewed design, coming from many years of experience with inclinometer measurements. The BH-Profile chain consists […]

Sisgeo new tiltmeter, the most compact ever!

Our splash proof IP67 tiltmeter, with box dimensions 99x55x49mm, is equipped with one M12 connector for both analogue and digital sensors. The cable model 0WE106IP0ZH is suitable for analogue and digital versions, as well as for the uniaxial and biaxial. It ensures high performances and accuracy together with very low thermal dependency. Thanks to its […]

Sisgeo BRAIN Teaser – ITALIANO

Il sistema inclinometrico B.R.A.IN (Borehole Readout Array for INclinometers) è composto principalmente dalla APP BRAIN di gestione del sistema compatibile con dispositivi Android o Apple (dispositivo non fornito da SISGEO), una sonda inclinometrica digitale MEMS (verticale e/o orizzontale) e un cavo montato su rullo Bluetooth. La centralina è incorporata nel corpo del rullo; il protocollo […]