Sisgeo’s Inclinometers Masterclass, from theory to report execution

Sisgeo Masterclass on inclinometers

Link to registration: Don’t miss the 𝙎𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙚𝙤’𝙨 𝙄𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨, a highly technical training designed for professionals looking to master theory, iso standard 18674-3, installation, and data analysis of inclinometer systems.Take the opportunity to have an expert ready to answer your questions. 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀First part: Operation of the system and correct installation of inclinometer tubes, […]

Laboratory Assessment of an In-Place Inclinometer Chain for Structural and Geotechnical Monitoring

Read the full article here: In-Place-Inclinometers (IPI) are traditional continuous monitoring instruments in inclinometer tubes; in particular, Sisgeo’s “BH-Profile” (BH-Profile in-place Inclinometers – Sisgeo) are used successfully in many applications around the world. The gained experience highlighted the need for a versatile instrument that could be housed in small tubes without the use of special […]

Qu’est-ce que la surveillance de l’état des structures des bâtiments ?

this picture shows a typical panorama of many cities: the new centre with skyscrapers and around it the older buildings of the city centre.It is important to monitor the structural health of both parts of cities. SHM applied to geotechnical problems and structural safety becomes a fundamental part of ensuring the safety of structures, both during construction and during the natural life of the structures.

La surveillance de l’état des structures des bâtiments (SHM) garantit la sécurité, la stabilité et la longévité des bâtiments. Ce processus fait appel à des technologies de pointe pour suivre en permanence l’intégrité structurelle d’un bâtiment. Il permet d’obtenir des informations en temps quasi réel sur les performances dans diverses conditions. Avec l’urbanisation croissante et […]

Importance de la gestion durable des ressources dans la réhabilitation des barrages

This image represents "Cerro del Aguila" a concrete dam. It's used to represent Sisgeo's Concrete Dam Structural Health Monitoring

On ne saurait trop insister sur l’importance de la surveillance de l’état des structures dans la remise en état des barrages. La surveillance de l’état des structures (SHM) joue un rôle fondamental pour garantir la sécurité, l’efficacité et la longévité des barrages. Alors que de nombreux barrages vieillissants dans le monde sont confrontés à des […]

Contrôle de l’état des structures dans l’excavation des tunnels

Structural Health Monitoring in tunnel excavation

Le contrôle de l’état des structures (SHM) est un aspect essentiel de la sécurité et de la performance des projets d’excavation de tunnels. Les tunnels sont soumis à des forces complexes et à des conditions environnementales qui peuvent entraîner des contraintes structurelles, des déformations et d’autres risques. Le SHM fournit des données en temps quasi […]

Surveillance de l’état des structures des barrages en béton : Assurer la sécurité à long terme

Concrete Dam Structural Health Monitoring

La surveillance de l’état des structures des barrages en béton est un processus essentiel pour garantir la sécurité, la durabilité et l’efficacité opérationnelle des barrages. Ces structures monumentales sont essentielles pour l’approvisionnement en eau, la production d’énergie, le contrôle des inondations et l’irrigation. Cependant, en raison du vieillissement, des facteurs de stress environnementaux et de […]

L’importance du contrôle de la santé des structures (SHM)

The picture shows a bridge in urban area, a good exmple where SHM structural health monitoring shall be implemented. SHM is becoming increasingly important in the management of critical infrastructure and assets, especially in aging structures or those subjected to harsh environmental conditions. It provides a cost-effective and proactive approach to ensure the safety, reliability, and longevity of structures while minimizing downtime and repair costs.

Qu’est-ce que le contrôle de l’état des structures (SHM)? Le contrôle de la santé des structures (SHM) est un processus d’observation et d’analyse continues de l’état d’une structure afin de garantir sa sécurité et ses performances à long terme. À l’aide de capteurs et de technologies de surveillance avancés, le SHM détecte les changements ou […]


Sisgeo is proud to introduce an innovative inclinometer based on a 3-axis Micro Electro Mechanical (MEMS) accelerometer.The selected MEMS has optimal thermal and long-term stability characteristics itself. Sisgeo tested it carefully to guarantee the final performances. However, the accelerometer itself is not capable to provide accelerations with enough accuracy and linearity to make inclination measurement, […]

Discover Sisgeo Group solution for the Rehabilitation and modernization of monitoring systems in dams on our new dedicated brochure

Dams are critical infrastructures designed to manage water resources and produce electricity, many of which have reached the end of their useful life or may require extensive rehabilitation. In 2021, UNU-INWEH (United Nations University – Institute for Water, Environment and Health) published a report titled « Ageing water infrastructure: An emerging global risk. » The authors urged […]

Introducing the Future of Railway track Monitoring – The Wireless FLX-RAIL® LoRa

SISGEO RAIL® is proud to announce the official release of the wireless FLX-RAIL® LoRa instrument. Thanks to its advanced measuring principle and power saving technology SBV®, FLX-RAIL® is the first instrument to provide continuous reliable data to monitor the cant and twist of the railway track both in static (without train load) and dynamic underload conditions […]

Informatizzazione del reparto produttivo ed acquistato nuove attrezzature

AL VIA – Agevolazioni Lombarde per la Valorizzazione degli Investimenti Aziendali SISGEO SRL – INFORMATIZZAZIONE DEL REPARTO PRODUTTIVO ED ACQUISTO AUTOCLAVE E PRESSA PER CALIBRAZIONE CELLE DI CARICO Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito dell’Asse Prioritario III: Promuovere la competitività delle piccole e medie imprese / Obiettivo Investimenti in favore della crescita e dell’occupazioneObiettivo: Investimenti in favore della […]

Audace Crash Test with SISGEO Instruments

We struck a blow, and even several!The AUDACE project is one of the 17 winners of the Connected Bridges call for projects led by CEREMA. AUDACE will have to develop a solution for the bridges managers allowing to process information in real time concerning the occurrence of a road vehicle impact on the bridge deck.SISGEO, the LEMTA of […]