Brunt Road LXR – new bridge monitoring

Sisgeo supplied instrumentation for the monitoring of a new road bridge over the rail line at Brunt Road in Beaconsfield, Australia. The Victorian Government aims to eliminate 110 dangerous and congested level crossings across Melbourne by the year 2030, marking the largest initiative of its kind in the history of Victoria. In fact, removing this […]
Monitoraggio strutturale e vibrazionale Ex Teatro Comunale di Firenze

Il progetto di riconversione dell’ex Teatro Comunale di Firenze tra via Solferino, via Magenta e Corso Italia e prevede la sua quasi integrale demolizione e la costruzione di 160 appartamenti, negozi, una palestra e un parcheggio interrato. Si tratta del più importante intervento di rigenerazione urbana nel centro di Firenze che dovrebbe riqualificare in chiave […]
Highway 1, the Trans-Canada Highway

The BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) is widening Highway 1, the Trans-Canada Highway, by adding an additional lane in each direction in the areas east of Vancouver. Each section of highway presents new challenges for the construction work, and separate contractors are hired to complete each portion of the project. Instratus Monitoring Ltd. […]
Ponte Nichupté – Cancun

Il progetto prevede la costruzione di un ponte automobilistico di 8,80 km che attraversa il sistema lagunare di Nichupté. L’obiettivo principale è quello di creare un nuovo collegamento stradale a partire dalla rotonda del Monumento Antigua Torre de Control, dove convergono le strade di Bonampak, Kabah e Tulum. Questo collegamento si congiungerà infine con la […]
FAQ#122 – Quali sono le dimensioni e la posizione dei fori nella piastra di regolazione dei tiltmetri mod. 0S540AP3D02?
Le dimensioni utili sono riportate nei disegni sottostanti:
Waste water treatment plant Zimmerberg

The aging Horgen and Thalwil wastewater treatment plants, situated near Zürich, Switzerland, require extensive renovation to enhance their cleaning efficiency. The two plants are therefore to be merged. The new, modern Zimmerberg wastewater treatment plant (ARA) will treat the wastewater of up to 78,000 inhabitants and industry from 2027. In the event of an extreme […]
Diga di Afşar

La diga di Afşar è una diga rock fill con una superficie frontale rivestita in calcestruzzo, ha un’altezza di 138 metri e un volume di riempimento del corpo di 6 milioni di m3.La diga si trova sul torrente Ilıcapınar, nel distretto Taşkent di Konya, in Turchia. La diga di Afşar ha iniziato a raccogliere l’acqua, […]
Ouldjet Mellegue Dam

The Ouldjet Mellègue dam is a Roller-Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam, located in northeastern Algeria about 13 km upstream of the city of Ouenza, in the Tébessa region. The site of the Ouldjet Mellègue dam is located at the outlet (Ouldjet) of the river Oued Mellègue, across the Jebel Krorza, in the north-east of Algeria, some […]
Gran Colombia Gold Mine

Supply and delivery of piezometric sensors for the different excavation fronts in the gold mine.Installed instruments: Supply of vibrating wire HD piezometers with ranges 1.0MPa and 3Pa with armoured cable. Wireless nodes with 5 channels for the automation of readings. Piezometer casings, blind and slotted, with 2’’ diameter
Limfjordstunnelen – Tunnel monitoring

Limfjordstunnelen is a Danish motorway tunnel which connects the highway in eastern Aalborg with the highway east of Nørresundby. Opened 6 May 1969, it was the country’s first motorway tunnel. The tunnel measures 582 metres (1,909 ft) in length, and 27.4 metres (90 ft) in width. Limfjordstunnelen comprises a 6-lane motorway, which is part of […]
Cerrejón open-pit coal mine

Cerrejón is a large open-pit coal mine in Northern Colombia owned by Glencore. At Cerrejón, low-ash, low-sulphur bituminous coal from the Cerrejón Formation is excavated. At over 690 square kilometres the mine is one of the largest of its type, the largest in Latin America and the tenth biggest in the world. Sisgeo Latinoamerica supplied […]
Monitoring of the lava flow in Geldingadalir – Iceland

After a period of earthquakes and crustal movements, on 19th of March 2021 a volcanic eruption started in Geldingadalir, a valley in Fagradalsfjall Mountain, located in the Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland). The eruption started as a fissure eruption but quickly developed into a shield volcano eruption, characterized by low effusion rates and lava flow from a […]