Gran Colombia Gold Mine

Supply and delivery of piezometric sensors for the different excavation fronts in the gold mine.Installed instruments: Supply of vibrating wire HD piezometers with ranges 1.0MPa and 3Pa with armoured cable. Wireless nodes with 5 channels for the automation of readings. Piezometer casings, blind and slotted, with 2’’ diameter
Konsko Dam

The dam is located close to the border between North Macedonia and Greece. It’s an embankment rock-fill dam with a central asphalt-concrete core as watertight element. The dam will be 80 m height, the cross section on top will be 340 m long, with a total embankment volume is approx. 1.4 m3 The main purpose […]
Metropolitana di Roma – linea C

La linea C della metropolitana di Roma attraversa la città da nord-ovest (quartiere Della Vittoria) alla periferia est e si estende oltre il Grande Raccordo Anulare.La linea C ha un percorso completo di 25,6 km e 30 stazioni, passando per il centro storico.Il percorso sarà caratterizzato dal colore verde. Gli interscambi con le altre linee […]
Metropolitana Linea 4 – Lorenteggio – Linate Monitoraggio sotto-attraversamento binari ferroviari RFI tra le stazioni Forlanini Q.RE e Forlanini FS

Gli obiettivi principali della realizzazione della M4 sono: realizzare una nuova linea diametrale da Est a Ovest, per collegare attraverso il centro storico alcune aree urbane altamente popolate che non sono ben servite dalla rete di trasporto pubblico; interconnettersi con l’intero sistema ferroviario, urbano e regionale; per realizzare un collegamento diretto tra il centro città […]
Nam Gnouang Dam – Laos

The NG Dam, 480 m wide and 65 m high, has created the NG Reservoir, which stores the rains that fall in the area from May-October each year. The dam has five gates that are opened only to discharge water to avoid flood events during the wet season. In normal operation the dam releases water […]
The new Panama Canal

The project for the enlargement of the Panama Canal is nowadays considered one of the most important civil engineering works. The project includes the building of two new series of gates, on both the Pacific and the Atlantic side, to respond in a suitable and efficient way to the development of the maritime transportation industry. […]
Progetto idroelettrico Sogamoso – Colombia

Sisgeo ha lavorato al progetto idroelettrico sul fiume Sogamoso, attraverso Monitoriza, società del gruppo Sisgeo. Sisgeo ha fornito e installato tutte le apparecchiature necessarie per questo progetto, situato nella zona nord-occidentale della Colombia, a circa 40 km da Bucaramanga. Il progetto prevede la costruzione di una diga alta 190 metri e lunga 300 metri, di […]
Monitoring works for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games – Russia

Sisgeo, thanks to the collaboration with its Russian partners AGT Systems and GPIKO, furnished and installed all the equipments necessary to monitor the most important road and railway works that are under construction in Sochi area, that is the neural centre of 2014 Winter Olympics.The monitored works are: retaining walls for the protection of roads, […]
El Quimbo Hydroelectric project – Colombia

Impregilo is realising in Colombia the hydroelectric power plant of El Quimbo on Magdalena river (in Huila region), on behalf of EMGESA, that is the biggest electric company of the country. The agreement is worth about 250ml of euro. The power plant will have an installed capacity of 400MW. The project includes the building of […]
Sakhalin-2 project Russia

Il progetto Sakhalin II è un progetto di sviluppo di petrolio e gas sull’isola di Sakhalin e immediatamente al largo, nel Mare di Okhotsk, da due giacimenti: Piltun-Astokhskoye e Lunskoye. Piltun-Astokhskoye è principalmente un giacimento di petrolio, mentre Lunskoye è principalmente un giacimento di gas. Il progetto è stato oggetto di pesanti critiche per il […]
Cleaning-up project of Panama City and Bay

The cleaning-up project of Panama City and Bay includes: Construction of Health Service networks Construction and rehabilitation of Collectors and Drive lines Interceptor system Plant for wastewater treatment. These elements will be developed to collect, transport and treat wastewater of Panama City which is currently discharged directly into the bay or rivers and streams in […]
Puerto Cabello-La Encrucujada railway project, Venezuela

The section Puerto Cabello – La Encrucijada (Cagua) is part of a more multi-modal and articulated transportation network of freights and passengers. During the first stage of works, the above said section will connect the principal port of the country (Puerto Cabello) to the industrial, agricultural and food poles of Valencia and Maracay. The next […]