Sisgeo Digital BH-Profile In-Place Inclinometers chain installation at the AGH University of Science and Technology Stanisław Staszic in Krakow

On 19th and 20th September Sisgeo and our Polish partner GEOD participated to the 3rd Engineering Geology Workshop at the AGH University of Science and Technology Stanisław Staszic in Krakow. The workshop was addressed to professionals, companies and academicians and was organised by the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection and Department of Hydrogeology […]
Sisgeo B.R.A.IN APP Quick Start

B.R.A.IN. APP is the new way to take measures with Sisgeo inclinometer system. Your smartphone become the data logger via this innovative APP compatible with IOS and Android. It allows to make surveys, manage data tables, create polar and linear graphs and send all the data through any sharing APP installed on your device. Discover […]
BRAIN tutorial

Nel video viene mostrato quanto è semplice ed intuitivo utilizzare il nuovo sistema inclinometrico BRAIN. Il sistema, principalmente composto dalla BRAIN APP, cavo con rullo bluetooth e sonda inclinometrica MEMS, viene completato dagli accessori: la sonda testimone e la carrucola strozzacavo. Il video mostra le operazioni principali per effettuare le misure inclinometriche. Per maggiori informazioni […]
Tutorial KLION software

KLION is the new SISGEO data analysis software for inclinometer probes and T-Rex extensometers. In this video are presented the basic features for vertical inclinometers tube analysis.