FAQ#031 – Is the DEX system suitable for in-place applications?

DEX system has been designed for automatic soil settlement monitoring (vertical movement) in unattended location. DEX system consists of a string of DEX probes installed in borehole within a ABS inclinometer casing. DEX-S, the combined inclinometer-settlement probe, provides both horizontal movements (X, Y-axis) and vertical settlement (Z-axis) for 3-D borehole automatic profile monitoring.

FAQ#025 – How get good readings with inclinometer probe?

A good practice for getting good readings with inclinometer probe is to follow these simple operations: – Use the same probe for each survey, if possible; – if you must use a different probe, be sure to note the serial number of the probe used for each survey, so any necessary corrections can be made […]

FAQ#024 – How can we keep efficiently the inclinometer operating cable?

A good practice for the inclinometer users is to follow these simple recommendations: – when you connect the inclinometer operating cable to the probe, avoid overtightening the nut, since this will flatten the O-ring and reduce its effectiveness; – use a pulley assembly. It protects the inclinometer operating cable and provides a good reference index; […]

FAQ#022 – Why NATM pressure cells have repressurizing tubes?

NATM pressure cells are normally used to measure tangential and radial stresses in concrete tunnel lining. They are embedded in concrete and after curing the cell shall be repressurized to mantain the intimate contact between the pessure pad and the surrounding material.