Export Champions 2023

Export Champions 2023

Export Champions 2023 Sisgeo, a leading provider of geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring solutions, is pleased to have been included in the top 50 companies among the 250 Italian Export Champions selected by „Il Sole 24 Ore“, Italy’s leading business newspaper. This prestigious award celebrates innovative and forward-thinking companies that are driving the Italian economy and […]

SIFER 2023

Sisgeo will participate to SIFER 2023, France’s International Exhibition of Railway Technology in Lille Grand Palais, Lille, France. Nicolas Poitrineau and Julien Prouvot will be there to display our solutions and new products for the Railway sector. More info on SIFER 2023 at: https://www.sifer-expo.com/en-gb.html

Siegener Symposium 2023

Sisgeo and Huggenberger are taking part in the symposium for monitoring in geotechnique in Siegen (Germany) 8 – 9.03.2023 . Daniel Naterop will give the presentation: Geomesstechnik für alpine Infrastruktur im Zusammenhang mit Permafrost. More info at: https://www.bau.uni-siegen.de/subdomains/geo/symposium_geomesstechnik/988962.html?lang=deF

The Rail Open Lab was awarded by the French Transport Innovation Agency

The Rail Open Lab was awarded by the French Transport Innovation Agency [ Thursday, 16 February 2023 ] On February the 8th, at the #ForumAIT organized by the French Transport Innovation Agency, the Rail Open Lab, composed of the #RATP, SNCF Réseau, FIF (Federation of the French Railway Industry), and SERCE – Union of the […]

The „tech guardians“ of infrastructures

The „tech guardians“ of infrastructures February 13, 2023 Italy’s extraordinary ability in building infrastructures, starting from the unmatched record of the ancient Romans, is known throughout the world. What is less known is Italy’s global leadership in monitoring dams, tunnels, bridges, railways, skyscrapers, and mines, which is embodied today by Sisgeo, a company based in […]

Pfahl Symposium 2023

Sisgeo will be present at the Pfahl-Symposium 2023 in Braunschweig, Germany. Jurgis Klaudius and Daniel Naterop will be there to display all of our best solutions for every kind of geotechnical applications. More info on the Pfahl-Symposium 2023 at:https://www.pfahl-symposium.de/?Aktuelles

It’s time to celebrate!

We’re so excited to mark this special occasion of Sisgeo’s 30 year anniversary with a special “Dinosaur look to the Future” logo.This logo glances back to our history as a geotechnical company, while offering a new take on our vision and commitment towards technology that enables us to continue developing and growing in the years […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Sisgeo Staff

On the occasion of the Christmas holidays Sisgeo supports LILT (Italian League for the Fight against Cancer), which has been committed for over 70 years to assist cancer patients from Italy and abroad.Learn more about the project at www.legatumori.mi.it

Sisgeo will be present at the 37th Baugrundtagung mit Fachausstellung Geotechnik

5–8 October 2022, RheinMain CongressCenter – Wiesbaden, Germany Booth number B.485 Sisgeo representatives: Daniel Naterop and Jurgis Klaudius Within the area of geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring we are going to focus on: – MDP as the industries most advanced IPI due to its flexibility with different measuring base lengths combined in an IPI array, its […]

Sisgeo welcomes Elisa D’Alberton as Accountant

We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Elisa D’Alberton has recently joined the SISGEO group as Accountant.After graduating in Business Administration at the Bicocca University in Milan, she started her career working an accounting firm and later in a multinational company, gaining more than 10 years of experience in administration.Elisa also has substantial experience in […]


We are pleased to inform you that Vincenzo Caci has been appointed as new Sisgeo’s General Manager.He will be the main operative reference person in the Company, certain that the trust placed in him will be matched.Romano Lamperti remains the CEO of Sisgeo and he’ll be involved in all strategical tasks. Congratulation and good luck […]