FAQ#039 – 4G/3G Router: which to choose?

In order to connecting to OMNIAlog using the Internet, it is necessary to install a 3G router inside the OMNIAlog box and to insert a SIM card (with APN) into the router. This card should be Internet enabled (SIM card not included).


1 – Dynamic IP traceability

  • SOLUTION A: when you send a SMS to the SIM card number, the router communicates the current IP address, that is assigned by the provider (this operation has to be done every time you want to access from remote)
  • SOLUTION B: you should create an account on a service website (for example DynDNS). Thus, the dynamic IP address will be always updated without any user intervention.
  • SOLUTION C: the user has to have a data SIM card with APN and STATIC IP.

2 – Incoming traffic block (it depends from the provider) If the provider blocks the incoming traffic of data, the only usable router is mod. 0OMXROUTVPN

  • ROUTER INTERNET HSPA-VPN HTTP (mod. 0OMXROUTVPN) With this router the user has only to get an Internet enabled SIM (with APN). The above mentioned problems could be solved thanks to a free VPN service and the configuration done at Sisgeo laboratories using all the data supplied through the “APPLICATION FORM”
  • ROUTER INTERNET HSPA 4G (mod.0OMXROUT4G0) With this router, users have to get an Internet enabled SIM card (with APN) that allows the bi-directionality (both the incoming and outgoing traffic).

CONCLUSION: with router 0OMXROUTVPN the problems of providers that supply Internet enabled SIM (with APN) only for outgoing traffic (not bi-directional) and the dynamic IP traceability could be solved. If the provider doesn’t display these critical issues, it is possible to use router 0OMXROUT4G. The dynamic IP traceability could be solved as mentioned above.

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