Rome Metro B1 Line Rome, Italy






Verwandte Dokumente

There is a big work in progress in Rome regarding the realization of a new part of the already existing railway B line named “B1 line”. This new branch deviate from Bologna Station towards Africano and Montesacro area, following the way of Viale XXI Aprile, Piazza Annibaliano, Viale Eritrea, Viale Libia, Via delle Valli reaching at the moment Piazza Conca d’Oro.

The realization of a buried work of such dimensions in a urban field, demands a careful evaluation of the vulnerability of the interested territory, and a precise determination of the executive modalities useful to guarantee the safety during works realization and the suitability to completed works.

With regards to the monitoring, the Contractor has planned, set up and implemented an informative system specifically created for this job: “HI-CAP Monitor”. Its GIS platform concurs to visualize the updated situation of the instrumentation installed with reference to the line and the works.
