Highway 4G Cúcuta – Pamplona

The Unión Vial Río Pamplonita Concessionaire is in charge of the Pamplona-Cúcuta dual carriageway, the most important road infrastructure work in Norte de Santander. This project is a solution to the border mobility between Colombia and Venezuela, as well as with the northeast of Colombia. The main characteristics of the project are: its length of […]
Forrestfield Airport Link

“The $1.86 billion Forrestfield-Airport Link is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian governments and will deliver a new rail service to the eastern suburbs of Perth – with three new stations at Belmont, Airport Central and Forrestfield.The rail link will connect with the existing Midland line near Bayswater Station and will run to […]
Datalogger New Leonardo

Códigos de referencia de los productos: CDL, CDL400 La New Leonardo es parte de la línea de dataloggers CDL diseñada para leer y almacenar datos de cualquier instrumento Sisgeo. El corazón de las lectursa son el convertidor doble 24 bits A/D y la CPU de gran alcance. Gracias al software SMART manager suite, el usuario […]
Ojo de Agua Hydroelectric project

The Ojo de Agua hydropower project is located close to the village El Carbon in the community of San Esteban (Olancho) in the north east of Honduras. The project will generate 109 GWh/year with an installed capacity of 22.5 MW, a discharge of 6.0 m³/s and a gross head of 418 m.The project consists of […]
Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project – Laos

The Xayaburi Dam is a hydroelectric dam under construction on the Lower Mekong River approximately 30 kilometres east of Xayaburi (Sainyabuli) town in northern Laos. The main purpose of the dam is to produce hydroelectric power.With a planned capacity of 1,295 MW – of which 1,220 MW will be sold to the Electricity Generating Authority […]
Rome Underground – Line C – Italy

Rome metro Line C runs through the city from North-West (Della Vittoria district) to the eastern suburb and is extending beyond the Grande Raccordo Anulare.Line C has a full-run of 25,6 km and 30 stations, passing through the old town centre.The Route will be characterised by the green colour. The interchanges with the other metro […]
Lakhta Center, Saint Petersburg – Russia

From the official Lakhta Center web site: Lakhta Center is a large scale project of the construction of a modern business center in Primorsky district of Saint Petersburg exercising a wide range of public functions with a developed public and transport infrastructure. Lakhta Center is implemented as a pilot project of an integrated development of […]
Hongsa Mine Mouth Power Project and Nam Louk Dam – Laos

The Hongsa Mine Mouth power project is the first and the biggest lignite-fired power plant to be developed in Lao PDR.The project is placed in Hongsa and Muang Nguen Districts of Xayaboury Province, Lao.The plant will be located on a 76.4km² concession area, which is leased for a period of 25 years.It will comprise a […]
Bangkok Blue Line Extension Project, Contract 2 – Thailand

The MRT (Metropolitan Rapid Transit) Blue Line is being extended.The extension is expected to be completed in 2017 and by then the Blue Line will become a loop line around the centre of Bangkok, with the part on the western side of the Chao Praya River mainly being an elevated system and the other half […]
Rehabilitación de 6 presas en Macedonia

6 centrales hidroeléctricas de la República de Macedonia (propiedad de ELEM- JSC Macedonian Power Plants y explotadas por ella), con una capacidad total instalada de 528 MW, fueron rehabilitadas en cuanto a instrumentación de control y automatización de los datos. Los activos hidroeléctricos incluyen las cinco presas de terraplén con núcleo de arcilla de Mavrovo, […]
Proyecto hidroeléctrico Sogamoso – Colombia

Sisgeo trabajó en el proyecto hidroeléctrico del río Sogamoso, a través de Monitoriza, empresa del grupo Sisgeo. Sisgeo suministró e instaló todos los equipos necesarios para este proyecto, situado en la zona noroccidental de Colombia, a unos 40 km de Bucaramanga. El proyecto consiste en la construcción de una presa de 190 m de altura […]
Astana National Library – Kazakhstan

The new National Library is located adjacent to the Presidential Palace in Astana. Geometrically it is composed of two spherical sections with different diameters. The lower part is an opaque façade and the other, a huge glass dome. The primary structure of the building consists of 9 differently shaped slab levels situated on concrete columns. […]