SISGEO is proud to announce its participation to the project AUDACE

SISGEO and its partners have been selected, along with 16 other groups, of the «Connected Bridges» call for projects launched by the state and managed by Cerema as part of France Relance.

The AUDACE project (Self-Diagnosis After a Damaging Shock) aims to provide bridge managers with real-time information concerning the occurrence of an incident linked to a collision with a bridge deck.

The implementation of the solution will be simple and light thanks to connected autonomous sensors (IoT) developed by SISGEO and installed on a selection of small / medium-sized railway bridges and of different design from the bridges managed by SNCF Réseau.

The sensors will feed the data onto the database which is then used for post-processing.

An algorithm integrating AI will be developed by LEMTA (Laboratory of Energies Theoretical and Applied Mechanic) to assess the severity and trigger a rational and graduated action by the manager in the event of such a shock.

We are proud to participate in this project which will help to secure the bridges.