Gottard road tunnel, 2nd tube

The first Gotthard road tunnel with a length of 17km has been in operation as a national road link between north Switzerland to the south, the canton of Ticino, since 1980. In order to ensure the functionality and safety of this important transport axis through the Alps, the first tube needs to be extensively repaired, […]
Brunt Road LXR – new bridge monitoring

Sisgeo supplied instrumentation for the monitoring of a new road bridge over the rail line at Brunt Road in Beaconsfield, Australia. The Victorian Government aims to eliminate 110 dangerous and congested level crossings across Melbourne by the year 2030, marking the largest initiative of its kind in the history of Victoria. In fact, removing this […]
Waste water treatment plant Zimmerberg

The aging Horgen and Thalwil wastewater treatment plants, situated near Zürich, Switzerland, require extensive renovation to enhance their cleaning efficiency. The two plants are therefore to be merged. The new, modern Zimmerberg wastewater treatment plant (ARA) will treat the wastewater of up to 78,000 inhabitants and industry from 2027. In the event of an extreme […]
Konsko Dam

The dam is located close to the border between North Macedonia and Greece. It’s an embankment rock-fill dam with a central asphalt-concrete core as watertight element. The dam will be 80 m height, the cross section on top will be 340 m long, with a total embankment volume is approx. 1.4 m3 The main purpose […]
Highway 4G Cúcuta – Pamplona

The Unión Vial Río Pamplonita Concessionaire is in charge of the Pamplona-Cúcuta dual carriageway, the most important road infrastructure work in Norte de Santander. This project is a solution to the border mobility between Colombia and Venezuela, as well as with the northeast of Colombia. The main characteristics of the project are: its length of […]
Fuel terminal monitoring

Supply of instrumentation for the monitoring of fuel terminal tanks in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The scope includes the monitoring of the settlements of structures through H-Level settlement cells and tiltmeters. The settlements and horizontal movements of the ground will be evaluated through IPI inclinometer probes and DEX S probes.
Grand Paris Express

Le Grand Paris Express est le plus grand projet urbain en Europe avec la construction de 200 km de lignes automatiques, soit autant que le métro actuel, et 68 gares. Les quatre nouvelles lignes du Grand Paris Express (15, 16, 17 et 18), ainsi que la ligne 14 prolongée au nord et au sud, seront […]
Warsaw Metro Project – Line 2

The 6.5 km east-west route links Rondo Daszyńskiego and Dworzec Wileński includes seven stations and an 870 m tunnel under the Wisła River. The civil works began late in 2010 and became operative in March 2015. In 2016 the works for the extension toward east and west of the second line started, estimated schedule of […]
Ojo de Agua Hydroelectric project

The Ojo de Agua hydropower project is located close to the village El Carbon in the community of San Esteban (Olancho) in the north east of Honduras. The project will generate 109 GWh/year with an installed capacity of 22.5 MW, a discharge of 6.0 m³/s and a gross head of 418 m.The project consists of […]
Tunnel en contexte urbain: Station Hakata du métro de Fukuoka – Japon

Le creusement du tunnel de la station Hakata pour le métro de la ville de Fukuoka au Japon a été effectué en creusement partiel. Au-dessus du tunnel se trouvent une route à trafic dense et différentes structures comme un parking souterrain, des conduites de gaz et des pompes de relevage. Les contraintes de faible recouvrement […]
3D Extenso-inclinomètre DEX-S

Reference products codes: DEX-S L’extenso-inclinomètre DEX-S est une sonde 3D avec une fusion exclusive de deux capteurs : un inclinomètre MEMS biaxial de haute précision pour lire les déplacements sur l’axe horizontal, et un capteur magnétique sans contact pour surveiller les déplacements verticaux. Une chaîne de sondes installée dans un forage offre l’avantage unique de […]
Inclinomètres fixes MEMS

Codes de référence: S411HA, S412HA, S411HD, S412HD Les inclinomètres fixes (IPI ou In-place Inclinometers) sont conçus pour permettre la surveillance automatique de lieux critiques. Une chaîne de capteurs IPI raccordés les uns aux autres et suspendus à l’intérieur du tube aux endroits où des déformations peuvent se produire permet de surveiller le profil continu du […]