Waste water treatment plant Zimmerberg

The aging Horgen and Thalwil wastewater treatment plants, situated near Zürich, Switzerland, require extensive renovation to enhance their cleaning efficiency. The two plants are therefore to be merged. The new, modern Zimmerberg wastewater treatment plant (ARA) will treat the wastewater of up to 78,000 inhabitants and industry from 2027. In the event of an extreme […]
Limfjordstunnelen – Tunnel monitoring

Limfjordstunnelen is a Danish motorway tunnel which connects the highway in eastern Aalborg with the highway east of Nørresundby. Opened 6 May 1969, it was the country’s first motorway tunnel. The tunnel measures 582 metres (1,909 ft) in length, and 27.4 metres (90 ft) in width. Limfjordstunnelen comprises a 6-lane motorway, which is part of […]
Monitoring of the lava flow in Geldingadalir – Iceland

After a period of earthquakes and crustal movements, on 19th of March 2021 a volcanic eruption started in Geldingadalir, a valley in Fagradalsfjall Mountain, located in the Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland). The eruption started as a fissure eruption but quickly developed into a shield volcano eruption, characterized by low effusion rates and lava flow from a […]
Autopista al Mar 2 project

The Autopista al Mar 2 project is composed by six functional units, covering a total length of 254 kilometers between the municipalities of Cañasgordas and Necoclí, in Antioquia. The works include the construction of 17.7 kilometres of single carriageway, 63 bridges and 14 tunnels, including the Fuemia tunnel and two false tunnels. SISGEO LATINOAMÉRICA provides […]
St. Moritz, Chesa Corviglia

St. Moritz Brattas-Fallun, Chesa Corviglia, 22 years landslide and structural health monitoring.Located above the northern part of the town of St. Moritz in Switzerland, there is a 600m wide and about 1500m long clastic flow type landslide. At the sides bounded by parallel shear zones and at the lower end constrained, the Brattas-Fullun landslide is […]
Bözberg Railway Tunnel anchor load monitoring retaining wall

The new Bözberg railway tunnel will serve as a 4-meter corridor that will be added to the Gotthard route in order to promote transalpine freight transport from road to rail. The largest sub-project within this plan is the replacement of the existing Bözberg tunnel in Switzerland with a new twin-track tunnel. Sisgeo has supplied since […]
Milan Metro Line 4 – Lorenteggio–Linate – Monitoring of the underpass of railway trails RFI between stations “Forlanini Q.RE” and “Forlanini FS” – Italy

The main aims of the M4 realization are: to realize a new diametrical line from East to West, in order to connect through the historical center some highly populated urban areas that are not well served by the network of public transport; to interconnect with the whole railway system, urban and regional; to realize a […]
Milan arret Forlanini surveillance des passages souterrains nord et sud

La réalisation de la gare Forlanini FS est liée à la réalisation du métro M4 de Milan (ligne 4). La gare Forlanini FS, qui a été ouverte en mai 2015, permet de relier le système des lignes ferroviaires de banlieue (S5, S6 et S9) à l’aéroport de Linate, grâce à la ligne M4. Lors des […]
Arosa Schafisgade project – new touristic resort – Switzerland

The Arosa Schafisgade project includes construction of three houses with each six luxury apartments. The houses are located in a potential unstable slope. During excavation work adjacent houses above the new built ones had to be monitored geodetically. Between the new excavation and the existing houses borehole inclinometers had been drilled and monitored to detect […]
Monitoring works for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games – Russia

Sisgeo, thanks to the collaboration with its Russian partners AGT Systems and GPIKO, furnished and installed all the equipments necessary to monitor the most important road and railway works that are under construction in Sochi area, that is the neural centre of 2014 Winter Olympics.The monitored works are: retaining walls for the protection of roads, […]