Akhangaran Dam Rehabilitation Project

Akhangaran Dam Rehabilitation Project

Akhangaran reservoir is located on the territory of Tashkent in the Republic of Uzbekistan, near Angren city on Akhangaran River, further upstream from the northern edge of the opencast coal mine. The reservoir is designed to increase the availability of water supply for irrigation, water supply for the industrial and municipal complex and diversion of […]

Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project

Located on the Zambezi River, bordering Zambia and Zimbabwe, the Kariba Dam is a monumental structure constructed between 1956 and 1959, creating one of the largest artificial lakes globally. Currently, renovations include enlarging and reshaping the plunging pool, necessitating the implementation of an additional monitoring system for better dam behavior control during excavations and dewatering […]

Ralco Dam Rehabilitation Project

The Ralco power plant, managed by Enel Generación Chile S.A., is a key energy source in the Biobío Region, utilizing the Biobío River’s power through an artificial dam with a capacity of 689 MW. Teaming up with Geosinergia LTD (our local partner), we’ve implemented several upgrades: These endeavors are geared toward enhancing the dam’s efficiency, […]

Mercatale Dam Rehabilitation Project

Field srl has successfully implemented data management and maintenance for the automatic topographic monitoring system at Mercatale Dam, overseen by the Public Authority Consorzio di Bonifica Marche. This sophisticated system comprises a total robotic station and a topographic network of macroprisms and clinometers connected to a data logger, facilitating real-time monitoring. Operating in fully automatic […]

El Quimbo Dam Rehabilitation Project

The El Quimbo Dam, located in Huila Department, Colombia, is a concrete-faced rock-fill hydroelectric facility positioned 1,300 meters upstream from the confluence of the Páez River with the Magdalena River. The accompanying powerhouse in Huila District has a 400-megawatt capacity, generating an estimated 2,216 gigawatt-hours annually. Installed Systems:

FAQ#123 – Cosa devo fare per aggiornare il firmware (FW) della centralina MIND?

Con le nuove versioni del firmware (FW), di solito viene aggiornata anche l’applicazione MIND. Pertanto, la prima cosa da fare è verificare che sul dispositivo mobile sia presente l’ultima versione dell’applicazione MIND. A tal fine, è sufficiente accedere al Google Play Store o all’Apple App Store, cercare SISGEO MIND e verificare se l’app presente sul […]

Hisorak dam

Hisorak dam, built on the Aksu River, is located in the Kashkadarya Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The reservoir is designed to provide water storage for the irrigation of Kashkadarya region. The reservoir has a rock dam with a maximum height of 140 m and a crest length of 528 m. Sisgeo, during the […]

Brunt Road LXR – new bridge monitoring

Sisgeo supplied instrumentation for the monitoring of a new road bridge over the rail line at Brunt Road in Beaconsfield, Australia. The Victorian Government aims to eliminate 110 dangerous and congested level crossings across Melbourne by the year 2030, marking the largest initiative of its kind in the history of Victoria. In fact, removing this […]

Monitoraggio strutturale e vibrazionale Ex Teatro Comunale di Firenze

Il progetto di riconversione dell’ex Teatro Comunale di Firenze tra via Solferino, via Magenta e Corso Italia e prevede la sua quasi integrale demolizione e la costruzione di 160 appartamenti, negozi, una palestra e un parcheggio interrato. Si tratta del più importante intervento di rigenerazione urbana nel centro di Firenze che dovrebbe riqualificare in chiave […]

Highway 1, the Trans-Canada Highway

The BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) is widening Highway 1, the Trans-Canada Highway, by adding an additional lane in each direction in the areas east of Vancouver. Each section of highway presents new challenges for the construction work, and separate contractors are hired to complete each portion of the project. Instratus Monitoring Ltd. […]

Ponte Nichupté – Cancun

Il progetto prevede la costruzione di un ponte automobilistico di 8,80 km che attraversa il sistema lagunare di Nichupté. L’obiettivo principale è quello di creare un nuovo collegamento stradale a partire dalla rotonda del Monumento Antigua Torre de Control, dove convergono le strade di Bonampak, Kabah e Tulum. Questo collegamento si congiungerà infine con la […]