Rogun Dam Hydropower Project

The Rogun Dam project in Tajikistan is an ambitious hydropower endeavor aimed at harnessing the Vakhsh River to generate renewable energy for the region. Originally launched in 1976 during the Soviet era, the project faced numerous delays due to financial and political challenges, especially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Construction was officially revived […]
5 New Large Dams in Morocco

In 1967, H.M. Hassan II king of Morocco launched his program to bring better water managing facilities to his country. More than 100 dams had arisen across the country before the 21st century, mainly with the objective to enhance the agriculture sector. In reaction to the global warming and intense droughts suffered by the country, […]
Diga di Afşar

La diga di Afşar è una diga rock fill con una superficie frontale rivestita in calcestruzzo, ha un’altezza di 138 metri e un volume di riempimento del corpo di 6 milioni di m3.La diga si trova sul torrente Ilıcapınar, nel distretto Taşkent di Konya, in Turchia. La diga di Afşar ha iniziato a raccogliere l’acqua, […]
Ituango Hydroelectric project

The 2.400MW Ituango hydroelectric project will be the largest hydropower plant in Colombia. The plant is being built on the banks of Cauca River. The project is located in the northwestern region of Antioquia, about 170km north of the Colombian city of Medellin. The project is a part of the initiative undertaken to exploit the […]
Konsko Dam

The dam is located close to the border between North Macedonia and Greece. It’s an embankment rock-fill dam with a central asphalt-concrete core as watertight element. The dam will be 80 m height, the cross section on top will be 340 m long, with a total embankment volume is approx. 1.4 m3 The main purpose […]
Santa María Dam

Santa María Dam is located on the Baluarte River in El Rosario municipality. The reservoir will have useful storage capacity of 723Mm3, according to Conagua, Two Francis type turbines of 15MW will generate 231GWh a year.Supply of instrumentation as part of the monitoring system of the Santa María Dam. The dam consists of a rockfill […]
Relleno Sanitario Parque Ambiental los Pocitos

The Parque Ambiental Los Pocitos Landfill began operations in April 2009. It is located 15 kilometers from Barranquilla, on the Juan Mina-Tubará road, in an area of 135 hectares, of which 75 hectares are used for the disposal of about two thousand tons of solid waste per day. Sisgeo Latinoamerica supplied and installed a geotechnical […]
Diga di Mae Saluam, Chang Mai

La diga di Mae Saluam, situata a Moo 11, Ban Sahakorn Plang 5, distretto di Pa Tum Sub-district, distretto di Phrao, provincia di Chiang Mai, è stata proposta dall’Ufficio Regionale dell’Irrigazione, dal Dipartimento Reale di Irrigazione per immagazzinare acqua per l’agricoltura, il consumo e la trasmissione alla diga di ritenuta di Mae Saluam per risolvere […]
Diga di Avshar Hadimi – Turchia

Diga di Avshar Hadimi, Regione di Avshar, Turchia
Riabilitazione di 6 dighe in Macedonia

6 centrali idroelettriche nella Repubblica di Macedonia (di proprietà e gestite da ELEM- JSC Macedonian Power Plants) con una capacità installata totale di 528 MW, sono state riabilitate in termini di strumentazione di monitoraggio e automazione dei dati. Gli impianti idroelettrici comprendono le cinque dighe in argilla con nucleo in argilla di Mavrovo, Spilje, Globocica, […]
Progetto idroelettrico Sogamoso – Colombia

Sisgeo ha lavorato al progetto idroelettrico sul fiume Sogamoso, attraverso Monitoriza, società del gruppo Sisgeo. Sisgeo ha fornito e installato tutte le apparecchiature necessarie per questo progetto, situato nella zona nord-occidentale della Colombia, a circa 40 km da Bucaramanga. Il progetto prevede la costruzione di una diga alta 190 metri e lunga 300 metri, di […]
El Quimbo Hydroelectric project – Colombia

Impregilo is realising in Colombia the hydroelectric power plant of El Quimbo on Magdalena river (in Huila region), on behalf of EMGESA, that is the biggest electric company of the country. The agreement is worth about 250ml of euro. The power plant will have an installed capacity of 400MW. The project includes the building of […]