5 New Large Dams in Morocco

In 1967, H.M. Hassan II king of Morocco launched his program to bring better water managing facilities to his country. More than 100 dams had arisen across the country before the 21st century, mainly with the objective to enhance the agriculture sector. In reaction to the global warming and intense droughts suffered by the country, […]
Ouldjet Mellegue Dam

The Ouldjet Mellègue dam is a Roller-Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam, located in northeastern Algeria about 13 km upstream of the city of Ouenza, in the Tébessa region. The site of the Ouldjet Mellègue dam is located at the outlet (Ouldjet) of the river Oued Mellègue, across the Jebel Krorza, in the north-east of Algeria, some […]
Ojo de Agua Hydroelectric project

The Ojo de Agua hydropower project is located close to the village El Carbon in the community of San Esteban (Olancho) in the north east of Honduras. The project will generate 109 GWh/year with an installed capacity of 22.5 MW, a discharge of 6.0 m³/s and a gross head of 418 m.The project consists of […]
Cerro del Águila Hydroelectric power plant

The Cerro del Águila HPP is a hydroelectric power plant located on the Mantaro River in the districts of Colcabamba and Surcubamba, within the Province of Tayacaja and Region of Huancavelica, in central Peru. The Project will be located downstream of the Mantaro hydroelectric complex. The Project is an independent activity from the Mantaro hydroelectric […]
Gewicht und schwimmlot

Codes der Referenzprodukte: S911, S912 Normalpendel dienen der Messung von Horizontalverschiebungen in Talsperren, Talsperrenfundamenten, und um Verschiebungen von Brücken, Piers, Stützpfeilern, Türmen und Hochhäusern zu ermitteln. Das Normalpendel besteht aus einem oben im zu überwachenden Bauwerk verankerten Drahtseil das am unteren Ende mit einem Lotgewicht frei hängend belastet in die Gravitationsrichtung zeigt. Zur Dämpfung taucht […]
Nam Gnouang Dam – Laos

The NG Dam, 480 m wide and 65 m high, has created the NG Reservoir, which stores the rains that fall in the area from May-October each year. The dam has five gates that are opened only to discharge water to avoid flood events during the wet season. In normal operation the dam releases water […]
FAQ#027 – Which type of damping fluid is recommended for filling the pendulum tanks?
We recommend to use the following mineral oil with selected viscosity: SAE 50-90 for direct pendulums SAE-10 for inverted pendulums.
FAQ#003 – Which are the needed conditions to use the ANS adjustable support for TEL-310S if you need to monitor the direct pendulum’s wire?
To fix the “SUS” optical sensor unit through the “ANS” support, it is necessary that the direct pendulum’s wire is at a distance of d=230 mm. from the wall. To achieve that, the direct pendulum’s tank has to be placed at a distance of D=20 mm. from the wall: in this way is guaranteed that […]