Meijaran Dam, I.R. of Iran

Project Name: Meijaran Da Project location: IRAN- RAMSAR Client: Mazandaran & Golestan Regional Water Authority Contractor:Cotra Co. Dam Type: Homogeneous(clay) Height above foundation: 32 (m) Crest level (above sea level): 153 (m) Crest length: 622 (m) Capacity of the Reservoir: 40,000,000 m3 End of construction: June 2004
Ravedis Dam, Italy

Project Name: Ravedis Dam Purpose of the project: Flood control, irrigation and power Project location: Friuli Region, Italy Client: Consorzio di Bonifica Cellina-Meduna Contractor: CORAV sponsor Impregilo S.p.a. Engineer: IN.CO. S.p.a. Dam Type: Concrete Gravity Height above foundation: 51 m Crest level (above sea level): 343 m Crest length: 173 m Capacity of the Reservoir: […]
Komayestan Dam, I.R. of Iran
Project Name: Komayestan Dam Purpose of the project: Irrigation Project location: IRAN – Khorasan- Sabzevar Client: Khorasan Regional Water Authority Contractor: Kahar –e- Khorasan CO. Dam Type: Concrete gravity dam Height above foundation: 34.5 m Crest length: 835 m Capacity of the Reservoir: 1,200,000 m3 End of construction: February 2002
Golestan II Dam , I.R. of Iran
Project Name: Golestan II Dam Purpose of the project: Irrigation Project location: IRAN-GOLESTAN Client: Mazandaran & Golestan Regional Water Authority Contractor: PORNAM CO. Dam Type: HEMOGEN EARTH DAM Height above foundation: 32 (m) Crest level (above sea level): 102 Crest length: 622 (m) Capacity of the Reservoir: 36000000 m3 End of construction: 2005
Tangab Dam, I.R. of Iran

Project Name: Tangab Dam Purpose of the project: Irrigotion & Resort Area Project location: IRAN – Shiraz Client: FARS Regional Water Authority Contractor:EV- YOL CO. Dam Type: Rock Fill With Chimney Clay Core Height above foundation: 51 m Crest length: 270 m Capacity of the Reservoir: 130,000,000 m3 End of construction: Under Construction Will Be […]
Bidvaz Esfarayen Dam, Islamic Republic of IRAN
Project Name: Bidvaz Esfarayen Dam Purpose of the project: Agricolture & Irrigation Project location: Khorasan- Esfarayen Client: Khorasan Regional Water Authority Contractor: Gostaresh Nosazi Sanayee Iran CO. Dam Type: Earth Fill Dam With Clay Core Height above foundation: 60 (m) Crest level (above sea level): 1534 Crest length: 113 (m) End of construction: June 2005
Mollasadra Dam – Iran
GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name: Mollasadra DamPurpose of the project: Agricultural & Energy productionProject location: IRAN – FARSClient: FARS Regional Water AuthorityContractor: Melli Sakhteman. CoDam Type: Earth Fill Dam With Clay CoreHeight above foundation: 72 mCrest level (above sea level): 2122 (m)Crest length: 630 mCapacity of the Reservoir: 440,000,000 m3End of construction January: 2006 INSTRUMENTS INSTALLED […]
Karahnjukar Hydroelectric Project, Iceland

The Kárahnjúkar dam is a concrete-faced rock fill dam (CFRD) type with a maximum height of 193m and, when completed it will be the highest of its kind in Europe and among the highest in the world. When full the level of the 57km2 the Hálslón storage reservoir will reach the height of 625m above […]
OMNIAlog Datenlogger

OMNIAlog Datenlogger Codes der Referenzprodukte: OMNIA, OMNIALOG, OMNIACAB, OMN24MUX, OMX Der OMNIALog-Datenlogger ist eine aus 25-jähriger Erfahrung, mit Messanlagen der der Geotechnik, resultierende Entwicklung. Der OMNIALog-Datenlogger ist ein vielseitig einsetzbares, kostengünstiges System mit geringem Stromverbrauch mit dem verschiedenste, in der Geotechnik eingesetzte, analoge und digitale Sensoren betrieben werden können. Dazu gehören auch Schwingsaiten-Sensoren. Der OMNIALog-Datenlogger […]

Datenlogger Datenlogger sind in der messtechnischen Überwachung enorm wichtig, da sie die Datenerfassung, Echtzeitüberwachung, langfristige Datenprotokollierung, Datenverarbeitung und -analyse, kostengünstigere Überwachung und Alarmsysteme ermöglichen. Das führt zu einer Verbesserung der Genauigkeit, Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit der Monitoringsysteme und damit zu verbesserter Sicherheit und präziseren Daten zur Analyse in Infrastrukturprojekten. Datenerfassungssysteme werden häufig beim Bau von Staudämmen, […]
Mazar hydroelectric project, Ecuador

The Mazar hydroelectric power plant site is located in the south-eastern part of Ecuador and consists of the 2nd phase of the exploitation of the potential energy of the middle course of the Río Paute. The Mazar hydroelectric power project will be constructed immediately upstream of the Amaluza reservoir and will have a capacity of […]
CRD-400 Universal-Ablesegerät

CRD-400 Universal-Ablesegerät Codes der Referenzprodukte: CRD400 Das CRD-400 ist in Ablesegerät neuster Generation mit dem alle analogen Sisgeo-Sensoren, inkl. Schwingsaitensensoren, aber auch Sensoren anderer Hersteller, angezeigt werden können. Wesentliche Merkmale: 3.5” Farbbildschirm auch bei Sonneneinstrahlung gut lesbar; AA Ni-MH wiederaufladbare Batterie; spritzwassserdichtes hand-held Gehäuse. Das CRD-400 zeigt Messwerte in elektrischen und auch technischen Einheiten an. […]