MD-Profile array

Codes der Referenzprodukte: S431HD, S432HD, S431HA, S432HA MD-Profile gauges are designed to be placed within internally flush pipes. The system is suitable for geotechnical and structural applications, for which vertical or horizontal accurate profiling is needed. Its unique patent-pending centering device allows to keep the orientation of the whole chain in the middle of the […]
BH-Profile in-place Inclinometers

Codes der Referenzprodukte: S431HD, S432HD, S431HA, S432HA Borehole profile in-place inclinometers offer continuous remote monitoring of casings deformed by active soil movements. BH-Profile chain consists of a number of MEMS IPI probes with carbon fiber extension rods and a terminal wheel assembly to close the chain. Thanks to the digital RS-485 signal output, they can […]
Netherlands, Structural Health Monitoring related to ancient underground mining activities

In the South of the Netherlands activities of underground mining probably begun already by the Romans. Surely these activities strongly developed during the late middle ages. Since the 16th century, marl has been mined on a large scale by the so-called “block breakers” who sawed out the blocks of limestone. Due to a layer of […]
KLION software for inclinometers and T-Rex extensometers

Referenz-Produktcodes: SWKLION KLION is a powerful desktop software designed to manage vertical/horizontal inclinometer and T-Rex extensometer surveys. The software was developed in cooperation with the Geohazard Monitoring Group (GMG) of CNR-IRPI (the Research Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection, a branch of CNR, the Italian National Research Council). It allows to import data from both BRAIN systems […]
B.R.A.IN App

The intuitive B.R.A.IN APP allows the user to manage the inclinometer (vertical and/or horizontal) and spiral meter surveys, and immediatelly share the readings with the most popular APP installed on the device (i.e. email, Dropbox, Whatsapp, Google DRIVE, OneDrive, iCloud Drive etc.) DOWNLOAD HERE: Survey could be then imported in KLION software for data […]
B.R.A.IN Bohrlochinklinometer-System

Codes der Referenzprodukte: S200D, BRAIN Das B.R.A.IN (Borehole Readout Array for INclinometers) System besteht im Wesentlichen aus der digitalen MEMS Inklinometer Sonde, der Bluetooth Kabelrolle und der B.R.A.IN APP, die mit dem Android und iOS Mobilgerät-Betriebssystem kompatibel ist. The electronic readout is integrated in the reel and the BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) wireless protocol permits […]
Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project – Laos

The Xayaburi Dam is a hydroelectric dam under construction on the Lower Mekong River approximately 30 kilometres east of Xayaburi (Sainyabuli) town in northern Laos. The main purpose of the dam is to produce hydroelectric power.With a planned capacity of 1,295 MW – of which 1,220 MW will be sold to the Electricity Generating Authority […]
Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric Project, Malaysia

The Project will involve the construction of an accumulation reservoir (Susu Reservoir) with two main water intakes, Telom Intake and Lemoi Intake, located upstream of Susu reservoir. The main part of the project is the construction of the Susu dam on the Bertram River, more than 80 m high and entirely built using the advanced […]

Codes der Referenzprodukte: S131 Inklinometer-Messrohre, meist in Bohrungen installiert, weisen innen Längsnuten auf und dienen der Messung und Lokalisierung von Verschiebungen im Boden, im Feld und in geotechnischen Bauwerken. Die wesentlichen Aufgaben der Inklinometer-Messrohre bestehen darin, eine Führung und Ausrichtung der Inklinometer-Messsonde zu ermöglichen und die Verschiebungen im Boden, Fels oder geotechnischen Bauwerk auf das […]
Inklinometermessrohre „Easy Lock“

Codes der Referenzprodukte: S143 The easy-lock inclinometer casing is a grooved tube machined at one end in order to have a self-aligning junction and a pre-assembled coupling at the other end. The special design of the coupling with an internal O-ring provide waterproof joint and nearly flush surface between tube and coupling.The locking system is […]
Inklinometermessrohre mit Schnellkupplungen

Codes der Referenzprodukte: S151 Sisgeo QJ (Quick Joint) Inklinometer-Rohre sind die Alternative zu den üblicherweise eingesetzten Messrohren. Sie sind hauptsächlich für den Einsatz in Erddämmen und in tiefen Bohrlöchern konzipiert. QJ-Inklinometer-Messrohre weisen sehr einheitliche und vergleichsweise tiefere Nuten auf als andere Inklinometer-Messrohre. O-Ringe verhindern das Eindringen von Wasser und von Injektionsgut. Die im Werk vormontierten […]
Ptolemaida coal mine waste disposal – The deepest DEX installation (150 m) – Greece

This area, where the two DEX columns are installed, is an old waste rock dump site of an open pit coal mine. The depth of the waste is approximately 150 m and consists of alternating layers of silt, sand, gravels, limestone and lignite. Instruments installed:• Two QJ quick joint inclinometer columns, 150m length, with 11 […]