Center for Monitoring of impact of infrastructures on environment, Bucharest – Romania

Under EU financing, a Center for monitoring of impact of infrastructure on environment has been created within Technical University of Bucharest.The project was developed though an International Tender which was awarded to SISGEO. The aim was to provide Technical University with comprehensive list of geotechnical equipment, in order to allow University specialist to deal with […]
FAQ#111 – Why I cannot read correctly my 4-20mA current loop gauge?
It could be a problem connected to the power supply given by the readout or logger. When the power supply is in the current loop (2-wire gauge) it is necessary to consider the effect of voltage drop across the shunt resistor on the voltage applied to the gauge. For example, suppose a 4-20mA gauge requires […]
FAQ#019 – Which is the difference between HAE (high-air entry) and LAE (low-air entry) filters?
HAE (High air entry) filters are normally used to monitor pore pressure in the clay core dams and saturated low permeability soils. “High air entry” means high-resistance to air entry when the filter is saturated. The surface tension of the water in the very fine porus of the filter prevents entry of air. The HAE […]
Piezo-Resistive piezometers

Piezo-Resistive piezometers Codes der Referenzprodukte: P235S Piezo-resistive piezometers, also called semiconductor piezometers or strain gauge piezometers, are very accurate pressure transducers suitable for high frequency readings and short term applications. Their robust 4-20mA output signals are easy to read and automate with OMNIAlog and suitable for long-distance transmissions. They can be connected to seismic dataloggers […]