FAQ#035 – In what consists a profiler? Which is its function?

The profiler consists of: The electro-hydraulic cable follows the probe (measuring sensor) to which it is connected. A small steel cable to pull the profiler probe is also provided; it should be situated into the same HDPE tube where the probe pass through (readings with two operators with both sides of HDPE tube accessible) or […]

FAQ#031 – Is the DEX system suitable for in-place applications?

DEX system has been designed for automatic soil settlement monitoring (vertical movement) in unattended location. DEX system consists of a string of DEX probes installed in borehole within a ABS inclinometer casing. DEX-S, the combined inclinometer-settlement probe, provides both horizontal movements (X, Y-axis) and vertical settlement (Z-axis) for 3-D borehole automatic profile monitoring.

FAQ#025 – How get good readings with inclinometer probe?

A good practice for getting good readings with inclinometer probe is to follow these simple operations: – Use the same probe for each survey, if possible; – if you must use a different probe, be sure to note the serial number of the probe used for each survey, so any necessary corrections can be made […]

FAQ#024 – How can we keep efficiently the inclinometer operating cable?

A good practice for the inclinometer users is to follow these simple recommendations: – when you connect the inclinometer operating cable to the probe, avoid overtightening the nut, since this will flatten the O-ring and reduce its effectiveness; – use a pulley assembly. It protects the inclinometer operating cable and provides a good reference index; […]