Third Bosphorus bridge – foundation monitoring works – Turkey

Third Bosphorus bridge – foundation monitoring works – Turkey

The 3rd Bosphorus Bridge will be the first of its kind in many respects. Once completed, the bridge will have the following features: The widest suspension bridge of the world with a width of 59 meters; the longest suspension bridge of the world with a rail system of 1,048 meters; a suspension bridge with the […]

Nam Gnouang Dam – Laos

The NG Dam, 480 m wide and 65 m high, has created the NG Reservoir, which stores the rains that fall in the area from May-October each year. The dam has five gates that are opened only to discharge water to avoid flood events during the wet season. In normal operation the dam releases water […]

The new Panama Canal

The project for the enlargement of the Panama Canal is nowadays considered one of the most important civil engineering works. The project includes the building of two new series of gates, on both the Pacific and the Atlantic side, to respond in a suitable and efficient way to the development of the maritime transportation industry. […]

Proyecto hidroeléctrico Sogamoso – Colombia

Sisgeo trabajó en el proyecto hidroeléctrico del río Sogamoso, a través de Monitoriza, empresa del grupo Sisgeo. Sisgeo suministró e instaló todos los equipos necesarios para este proyecto, situado en la zona noroccidental de Colombia, a unos 40 km de Bucaramanga. El proyecto consiste en la construcción de una presa de 190 m de altura […]

Astana National Library – Kazakhstan

The new National Library is located adjacent to the Presidential Palace in Astana. Geometrically it is composed of two spherical sections with different diameters. The lower part is an opaque façade and the other, a huge glass dome. The primary structure of the building consists of 9 differently shaped slab levels situated on concrete columns. […]