Proyecto hidroeléctrico Sogamoso – Colombia

Sisgeo trabajó en el proyecto hidroeléctrico del río Sogamoso, a través de Monitoriza, empresa del grupo Sisgeo. Sisgeo suministró e instaló todos los equipos necesarios para este proyecto, situado en la zona noroccidental de Colombia, a unos 40 km de Bucaramanga. El proyecto consiste en la construcción de una presa de 190 m de altura […]
Monitoring works for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games – Russia

Sisgeo, thanks to the collaboration with its Russian partners AGT Systems and GPIKO, furnished and installed all the equipments necessary to monitor the most important road and railway works that are under construction in Sochi area, that is the neural centre of 2014 Winter Olympics.The monitored works are: retaining walls for the protection of roads, […]
Proyecto hidroeléctrico El Quimbo – Colombia

Impregilo está realizando en Colombia la central hidroeléctrica de El Quimbo sobre el río Magdalena (en la región de Huila), por cuenta de EMGESA, que es la mayor empresa eléctrica del país. El acuerdo asciende a unos 250 millones de euros. La central tendrá una capacidad instalada de 400 MW. El proyecto incluye la construcción […]
Molunghi landslide monitoring, Italy

Study and monitoring of Molunghi landslide The monitoring project of Molunghi landslide is the result of the cooperation between the Comune di Calice al Cornoviglio and the Road Department of La Spezia Province and it is began in consequence of the instability of both the provincial street and part of Monlunghi di Mezzo inhabitat during […]
FAQ#116 – How do I configure a WR-Log digital node to read RS485 Sisgeo TIMED sensors?
Sisgeo digital instruments can operate in two powering modes: TIMED or ALWAYS-ON (for more information see F.A.Q.#094).A string of mixed instruments consisting of TIMED gauges and ALWAYS-ON gauges cannot work.The first thing to do is therefore to check that ALL connected instruments in your array are set to TIMED mode.You can check the powering mode […]
FAQ#111 – Why I cannot read correctly my 4-20mA current loop gauge?
It could be a problem connected to the power supply given by the readout or logger. When the power supply is in the current loop (2-wire gauge) it is necessary to consider the effect of voltage drop across the shunt resistor on the voltage applied to the gauge. For example, suppose a 4-20mA gauge requires […]
Egnatia Odos Road – Athens, Greece

Egnatia Motorway was designed to the specifications of the Trans-European road network. Across Epirus and Northern Greece from Igoumenitsa to Evros, Egnatia Motorway is one of the largest road construction projects in Europe, 670 kilometres long and 24.5 metres wide.The realisation of this motorway requires the construction of: 50 road interchanges; 350 entrance / exit […]
FAQ # 015 – El valor de la carga del anclaje que se muestra en el manómetro de la celda de carga o de lectura no está de acuerdo con la carga calculada por el gato hidráulico. ¿Cual es correcto?
Los principales factores que influyen en las mediciones de anclaje son: – Desalineación axial del gato– Diferencia de diámetro entre el gato y la celda de carga. Estos factores provocan la flexión de la placa de apoyo entre la celda de carga y la toma y afecta a la respuesta de la célula. Para minimizar […]
Athens Metro, Greece
A new, modern, fast, comfortable, reliable and safe transport mode has been gradually been in operation since January 2000. Today, 23 Metro Stations are in operation at both METRO lines: Line 2 SEPOLIA – AGHIOS DIMITRIOS/ALEXANDROS PANAGOULIS (red Line) and Line 3. The whole Project is divided into: The Stations of the Base Project: MONASTIRAKI-ETHNIKI […]
Cantanghel idraulic tunnel, access tunnel and main tunnels – Italy

Project Name: Martignano Tunnel Purpose of the project: Variant of S.S.47 “Valsugana” Project location: Italy – Trento Client: TOTO Costruzioni Spa – Italy Contractor: Provincia di Trento – Italy Tunnel Type: Double highway tunnel Excavation method: TBM machine Total length: About 4.200 meter Tunnel diameter: 12 meter End of construction: December 2006
Chuquicamata Mine (Codelco), Chile

Chuquicamata is an opencast copper mine, where a relatively poor copper ore is mined in impressive huge amounts. Modern mining and smelting technology allows the usage of such depostits at unrivaled low costs. The ore contains only between 1,13% and 1,18% metals, most of it copper, but also molybdenum and selenium in a very low […]