Presa de Afşar

La presa Afşar es una presa de enrocado con cara de concreto, tiene una altura de 138 metros y un volumen de relleno de 6 millones de m3.La presa está ubicada en el arroyo Ilıcapınar en el distrito Taşkent de Konya, en Turquía. La presa Afşar ha empezado a embalsar agua, las cuales se almacenarán […]
Monitoring of the lava flow in Geldingadalir – Iceland

After a period of earthquakes and crustal movements, on 19th of March 2021 a volcanic eruption started in Geldingadalir, a valley in Fagradalsfjall Mountain, located in the Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland). The eruption started as a fissure eruption but quickly developed into a shield volcano eruption, characterized by low effusion rates and lava flow from a […]
Highway 4G Cúcuta – Pamplona

The Unión Vial Río Pamplonita Concessionaire is in charge of the Pamplona-Cúcuta dual carriageway, the most important road infrastructure work in Norte de Santander. This project is a solution to the border mobility between Colombia and Venezuela, as well as with the northeast of Colombia. The main characteristics of the project are: its length of […]
“La Linea” Road Pass, Colombia

El recién inaugurado Túnel de La Línea, que conecta el suroccidente y centro del país, desde el Portal Bermellón en Cajamarca – Tolima, hasta el Portal Galicia en Calarcá – Quindío, es otro de los megaproyectos relevantes en donde el equipo de Sisgeo Latinoamérica hizo su participación en la instrumentación y monitoreo geotécnicos. La obra […]
Grand Paris Express

The Grand Paris Express is the largest urban project in Europe with the construction of 200 km of automatic lines, as much as the current metro, and 68 stations. The four new lines of the Grand Paris Express (15, 16, 17 and 18), as well as the line 14 extended to the north and south, […]
Celdas de presión de tierra

Códigos de referencia de los productos: L141, L143 Las celdas de presión de Tierra (o celdas de presión total) se utilizan para controlar la presión total en presas y terraplenes o colocadas en la interfase entre la estructura y la pared de la excavación. Las celdas de presión de tierra se construyen a partir de […]
Celdas de presión hidráulica

Códigos de referencia de los productos: L111, PK45H, P252A, TUNY Las celdas de presión hidráulicas están diseñadas para medir el estrés en hormigón o colocados en la interfaz entre la estructura y la pared de la excavación. La almohadilla de presión consiste de dos placas de acero soldadas entre sí alrededor de su periferia y […]
Accesorios de prueba Flat Jack

Códigos de referencia de los productos: L100 El Flat Jack consiste en una almohadilla de presión de acero lleno de aceite equipado con dos tubos de acero, uno para la conexión de la bomba y otro para vincular otro pad o para montar un transductor de presión. Los Flat Jack están disponibles en diferentes dimensiones; […]
Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric Project, Malaysia

The Project will involve the construction of an accumulation reservoir (Susu Reservoir) with two main water intakes, Telom Intake and Lemoi Intake, located upstream of Susu reservoir. The main part of the project is the construction of the Susu dam on the Bertram River, more than 80 m high and entirely built using the advanced […]
Rome Underground – Line C – Italy

Rome metro Line C runs through the city from North-West (Della Vittoria district) to the eastern suburb and is extending beyond the Grande Raccordo Anulare.Line C has a full-run of 25,6 km and 30 stations, passing through the old town centre.The Route will be characterised by the green colour. The interchanges with the other metro […]
Center for Monitoring of impact of infrastructures on environment, Bucharest – Romania

Under EU financing, a Center for monitoring of impact of infrastructure on environment has been created within Technical University of Bucharest.The project was developed though an International Tender which was awarded to SISGEO. The aim was to provide Technical University with comprehensive list of geotechnical equipment, in order to allow University specialist to deal with […]
Bangkok Blue Line Extension Project, Contract 2 – Thailand

The MRT (Metropolitan Rapid Transit) Blue Line is being extended.The extension is expected to be completed in 2017 and by then the Blue Line will become a loop line around the centre of Bangkok, with the part on the western side of the Chao Praya River mainly being an elevated system and the other half […]