WR LOG wireless dataloggers
WR LOG wireless dataloggers Códigos de referencia de los productos: WR LOG WR LOG is a powerful wireless data acquisition network that combines state-of-the-art wireless monitoring and advanced software tools. WR LOG devices are compatible with a wide range of sensors such as vibrating wire, 4-20mA, Wheatstone bridges, PT-100 and digital RS485 Modbus instruments. Battery […]
Chuquicamata Mine (Codelco), Chile
Chuquicamata is an opencast copper mine, where a relatively poor copper ore is mined in impressive huge amounts. Modern mining and smelting technology allows the usage of such depostits at unrivaled low costs. The ore contains only between 1,13% and 1,18% metals, most of it copper, but also molybdenum and selenium in a very low […]
Datalogger OMNIAlog
Datalogger OMNIAlog Códigos de referencia de los productos: OMNIA, OMNIALOG, OMNIACAB, OMN24MUX, OMX El OMNIAlog ha sido diseñado «en casa» por Sisgeo y es el resultado de casi 25 años de experiencia usando diferentes datalogger en el campo geotecnico. El OMNIAlog es un registrador de datos de baja potencia, versátil y rentable, que soporta todos […]