Rogun Dam Hydropower Project

The Rogun Dam project in Tajikistan is an ambitious hydropower endeavor aimed at harnessing the Vakhsh River to generate renewable energy for the region. Originally launched in 1976 during the Soviet era, the project faced numerous delays due to financial and political challenges, especially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Construction was officially revived […]
5 New Large Dams in Morocco

In 1967, H.M. Hassan II king of Morocco launched his program to bring better water managing facilities to his country. More than 100 dams had arisen across the country before the 21st century, mainly with the objective to enhance the agriculture sector. In reaction to the global warming and intense droughts suffered by the country, […]
Medidores de juntas para hormigón

Códigos de referencia de los productos: D314 Los medidores de juntas para hormigón permiten detectar los movimientos entre dos anclajes. Es conveniente que se fusionen en la lechada de cemento, colocándolos a través de juntas de dilatación, como suele ocurrir en las presas de hormigón. Un termistor permite la medición de la temperatura para la […]