Autopista al Mar 2 project

El proyecto Autopista al Mar 2 está constituido por seis unidades funcionales, las cuales abarcan una longitud de 254 kilómetros, entre los municipios de Cañasgordas y Necoclí, en Antioquia. Las obras incluyen la construcción de 17,7 kilómetros de calzada sencilla, 63 puentes y 14 túneles, incluidos el de Fuemia y dos falsos. SISGEO LATINOAMÉRICA, presta […]
Konsko Dam

The dam is located close to the border between North Macedonia and Greece. It’s an embankment rock-fill dam with a central asphalt-concrete core as watertight element. The dam will be 80 m height, the cross section on top will be 340 m long, with a total embankment volume is approx. 1.4 m3 The main purpose […]
Relleno Sanitario Parque Ambiental los Pocitos

El Relleno Sanitario Parque Ambiental Los Pocitos comenzó a operar en abril de 2009. Está localizado a 15 kilómetros de Barranquilla, en la vía Juan Mina-Tubará, en un área de 135 hectáreas, de las cuales en 75 hectáreas efectúan la disposición de cerca de dos mil toneladas diarias de desechos sólidos. SISGEO LATINOAMÉRICA, brindó el […]
Grand Paris Express

The Grand Paris Express is the largest urban project in Europe with the construction of 200 km of automatic lines, as much as the current metro, and 68 stations. The four new lines of the Grand Paris Express (15, 16, 17 and 18), as well as the line 14 extended to the north and south, […]
B.R.A.IN Sistemas inclinometricos

Códigos de productos de referencia: S200D, BRAIN El sistema B.R.A.IN (Borehole Readout Array for INclinometers) estácompuesto principalmente por una sonda inclinométrica MEMS, un carretebluetooth con cable de control y una APP B.R.A.IN compatible con lossistemas operativos móviles Android e iOS. La lectura electrónica está integrada en el carrete y el protocolo inalámbrico BLE (Bluetooth Low […]
FAQ#119 – Why can’t I connect the BRAIN reel to my mobile phone/tablet? Have I connected correctly my BRAIN measuring system?
Make sure that ALL the following steps are checked:1. The batteries of the mobile phone/tablet and the BRAIN system are charged2. You have installed the latest version of the BRAIN APP (check the Google Play Store or Apple Store)3. The version of the mobile phone/tablet’s operating system is Android 7 or higher, or iOS 11 […]
FAQ#118 – Is it possible to use the reference reading (zero reading) taken with a digital inclinometer probe as a reference reading for another digital inclinometer probe?
No, this is not possible.Sisgeo calibrates each probe individually, but each probe has its own small different properties, that have a certain influence on the readings. The international standard ISO 18674-3, describing the reference reading, states that:«It is good practice to take an additional reference measurement with an independent probe that can be used as […]
Preliminary verifications: • B.R.A.IN reel’s battery is charged• Your mobile or tablet has the following minimum features: Bluetooth Low Energy BLE 4.2 or higher Android OS 7 or higher If the preliminary verification is positive, please proceed as follows:• Un-install the B.R.A.IN app from your device (if […]
FAQ#097 – Which is the Bluetooth PIN for connecting B.R.A.IN to the iOS/Android device?
The PIN code is the same for all the B.R.A.IN and is 123456.Please follow the instruction in the user manual for the first connection of B.R.A.IN to the device.
FAQ#093 – B.R.A.IN App Devices Compatibility
B.R.A.IN App is compatible with Android OS (from ver.7) and Apple iOS (from ver.11). Moreover the device have to be compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) v.4.2. At this link you can find all the smartphone and tablet tested by SISGEO. NOTE: the list of devices is updating time by time.
Chuquicamata Mine (Codelco), Chile

Chuquicamata is an opencast copper mine, where a relatively poor copper ore is mined in impressive huge amounts. Modern mining and smelting technology allows the usage of such depostits at unrivaled low costs. The ore contains only between 1,13% and 1,18% metals, most of it copper, but also molybdenum and selenium in a very low […]