Forrestfield Airport Link

“The $1.86 billion Forrestfield-Airport Link is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian governments and will deliver a new rail service to the eastern suburbs of Perth – with three new stations at Belmont, Airport Central and Forrestfield.The rail link will connect with the existing Midland line near Bayswater Station and will run to […]
Extensómetros fijos

Códigos de referencia de los productos: D100 Los extensómetros fijos se define generalmente como dispositivos que se colocan en rellenos sanitarios o en el interior del pozo para el monitoreo de los asientos entre dos puntos sin el uso de una sonda desmontable. Bien sea la plataforma de asentamientos y el extensómetro se basan en […]
Bangkok Blue Line Extension Project, Contract 2 – Thailand

The MRT (Metropolitan Rapid Transit) Blue Line is being extended.The extension is expected to be completed in 2017 and by then the Blue Line will become a loop line around the centre of Bangkok, with the part on the western side of the Chao Praya River mainly being an elevated system and the other half […]
Nam Gnouang Dam – Laos

The NG Dam, 480 m wide and 65 m high, has created the NG Reservoir, which stores the rains that fall in the area from May-October each year. The dam has five gates that are opened only to discharge water to avoid flood events during the wet season. In normal operation the dam releases water […]
FAQ#111 – Why I cannot read correctly my 4-20mA current loop gauge?
It could be a problem connected to the power supply given by the readout or logger. When the power supply is in the current loop (2-wire gauge) it is necessary to consider the effect of voltage drop across the shunt resistor on the voltage applied to the gauge. For example, suppose a 4-20mA gauge requires […]
Bridge Monitoring on Dnieper River, Kiev, Ukraine
Railway – highway stream crossing with double track railway line and six traffic lanes (three lanes in one direction) across Dnieper River in Kiev City. Total length of the bridge is 1.100 meters. End-of-work scheduled term: end of 2009. Estimated traffic load is more than 300.000 vehicles per day. Load cells are used for monitoring […]
Marmaray Tunnel, Turkey

The Marmaray Project is the upgrading of approximately 76 kilometers of commuter rail system in Istanbul, connecting Halkalı on the European side with Gebze on the Asian side with an uninterrupted, modern, high-capacity commuter rail system. This Project is one of the major transportation infrastructure projects in the world at present.