Importancia de la SHM en la rehabilitación de presas

SHM in dam rehabilitation

Nunca se insistirá lo suficiente en la importancia de la SHM en la rehabilitación de presas. La supervisión de la salud estructural (SHM) desempeña un papel fundamental para garantizar la seguridad, eficiencia y longevidad de las presas. A medida que muchas presas envejecidas de todo el mundo se enfrentan a retos como la degradación estructural, […]

Control de la salud estructural en la excavación de túneles

Structural Health Monitoring in tunnel excavation

La supervisión de la salud estructural (SHM) es un aspecto crítico para garantizar la seguridad y el rendimiento durante los proyectos de excavación de túneles. Los túneles están sometidos a fuerzas y condiciones ambientales complejas que pueden provocar tensiones estructurales, deformaciones y otros riesgos. La SHM proporciona datos casi en tiempo real sobre el comportamiento […]

La importancia de la supervisión de la salud estructural (SHM)

The picture shows a bridge in urban area, a good exmple where SHM structural health monitoring shall be implemented. SHM is becoming increasingly important in the management of critical infrastructure and assets, especially in aging structures or those subjected to harsh environmental conditions. It provides a cost-effective and proactive approach to ensure the safety, reliability, and longevity of structures while minimizing downtime and repair costs.

¿Qué es la supervisión de la salud estructural (SHM)? La supervisión de la salud estructural (SHM) es un proceso de observación y análisis continuos del estado de una estructura para garantizar su seguridad y rendimiento a largo plazo. Mediante el uso de sensores avanzados y tecnologías de monitorización, SHM detecta cambios o degradación en las […]


Sisgeo is proud to introduce an innovative inclinometer based on a 3-axis Micro Electro Mechanical (MEMS) accelerometer.The selected MEMS has optimal thermal and long-term stability characteristics itself. Sisgeo tested it carefully to guarantee the final performances. However, the accelerometer itself is not capable to provide accelerations with enough accuracy and linearity to make inclination measurement, […]

Descubra las soluciones del Grupo Sisgeo para la rehabilitación y modernización de los sistemas de control de presas en nuestro nuevo folleto específico.

Las presas son infraestructuras críticas diseñadas para gestionar los recursos hídricos y producir electricidad, muchas de las cuales han llegado al final de su vida útil o pueden requerir una amplia rehabilitación. En 2021, UNU-INWEH (Universidad de las Naciones Unidas – Instituto para el Agua, el Medio Ambiente y la Salud) publicó un informe titulado […]

Introducing the Future of Railway track Monitoring – The Wireless FLX-RAIL® LoRa

SISGEO RAIL® is proud to announce the official release of the wireless FLX-RAIL® LoRa instrument. Thanks to its advanced measuring principle and power saving technology SBV®, FLX-RAIL® is the first instrument to provide continuous reliable data to monitor the cant and twist of the railway track both in static (without train load) and dynamic underload conditions […]

Informatizzazione del reparto produttivo ed acquistato nuove attrezzature

AL VIA – Agevolazioni Lombarde per la Valorizzazione degli Investimenti Aziendali SISGEO SRL – INFORMATIZZAZIONE DEL REPARTO PRODUTTIVO ED ACQUISTO AUTOCLAVE E PRESSA PER CALIBRAZIONE CELLE DI CARICO Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito dell’Asse Prioritario III: Promuovere la competitività delle piccole e medie imprese / Obiettivo Investimenti in favore della crescita e dell’occupazioneObiettivo: Investimenti in favore della […]

Audace Crash Test with SISGEO Instruments

We struck a blow, and even several!The AUDACE project is one of the 17 winners of the Connected Bridges call for projects led by CEREMA. AUDACE will have to develop a solution for the bridges managers allowing to process information in real time concerning the occurrence of a road vehicle impact on the bridge deck.SISGEO, the LEMTA of […]

SISGEO is proud to announce its participation to the project AUDACE

SISGEO and its partners have been selected, along with 16 other groups, of the «Connected Bridges» call for projects launched by the state and managed by Cerema as part of France Relance. The AUDACE project (Self-Diagnosis After a Damaging Shock) aims to provide bridge managers with real-time information concerning the occurrence of an incident linked […]

We are proud to introduce you MD-Profile system

The first Sisgeo solution for grooveless tubes MD-Profile gauges are designed to be placed within internally flush pipes. The system is suitable for geotechnical and structural applications, for which vertical or horizontal accurate profiling is needed. MAIN APPLICATIONS:• Retaining walls/Slurry walls• Tunneling• Bridges• Concrete Dams• Highrise Buildings• Embankments

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