Cleaning-up project of Panama City and Bay

The cleaning-up project of Panama City and Bay includes: Construction of Health Service networks Construction and rehabilitation of Collectors and Drive lines Interceptor system Plant for wastewater treatment. These elements will be developed to collect, transport and treat wastewater of Panama City which is currently discharged directly into the bay or rivers and streams in […]
FAQ#116 – How do I configure a WR-Log digital node to read RS485 Sisgeo TIMED sensors?
Sisgeo digital instruments can operate in two powering modes: TIMED or ALWAYS-ON (for more information see F.A.Q.#094).A string of mixed instruments consisting of TIMED gauges and ALWAYS-ON gauges cannot work.The first thing to do is therefore to check that ALL connected instruments in your array are set to TIMED mode.You can check the powering mode […]
FAQ#111 – Why I cannot read correctly my 4-20mA current loop gauge?
It could be a problem connected to the power supply given by the readout or logger. When the power supply is in the current loop (2-wire gauge) it is necessary to consider the effect of voltage drop across the shunt resistor on the voltage applied to the gauge. For example, suppose a 4-20mA gauge requires […]
FAQ#095 – How long does a chain of digital sensors take to be read?
It mainly depends from the powering mode of the gauges (refer to FAQ#094 for the description of the powering modes). AN EXAMPLE WILL BETTER CLARIFY THE ANSWER. In a batch of 240 gauges, unless otherwise requested by the Customer, the addresses are settled from #001 up to #240. In a borehole is installed a chain of 30 […]
Bridge Monitoring on Dnieper River, Kiev, Ukraine

Railway – highway stream crossing with double track railway line and six traffic lanes (three lanes in one direction) across Dnieper River in Kiev City. Total length of the bridge is 1.100 meters. End-of-work scheduled term: end of 2009. Estimated traffic load is more than 300.000 vehicles per day. Load cells are used for monitoring […]
FAQ#076 – Perchè è necessario aggiungere una resistenza di terminazione sull’ultimo sensore digitalizzato di ogni catena RS-485?
Tutti i sensori digitalizzati SISGEO (IPI, Tilmetri, H-Level, RDS ) usano il protocollo di comunicazione seriale RS-485. Il protocollo RS-485 contempla una resistenza di terminazione. Il collegamento raccomandato per una catena è il “punto-punto” (multidropped) in modalità bus (linea). Collegamenti a “stella”, ad“anello” o multipli non sono raccomandati. I datalogger SISGEO sono già predisposti con […]
FAQ#075 – What parameters are saved in SISGEO digital sensors? What information must the Customer provide when ordering?
All SISGEO digital sensors (e.g. IPI, BH Profile, MD Profile, LT Inclibus, Tilt-meter, RDS, H-Level, etc.) use the Modbus communication protocol over RS-485 serial. SISGEO digital sensors are connected to each other with a single signal cable. The parameters that are configured at the factory for each digital sensor are as follows: Upon confirmation of […]
FAQ#074 – Che tipo di acquisitore è necessario per leggere i sensori digitalizzati SISGEO?
Per leggere i sensori digitalizzati SISGEO è necessario utilizzare un datalogger Modbus Master (es. OMNIAlog e miniOMNIAlog). I sensori sono letti mediante il cavo connesso ad un interfaccia RS-485 (DCE, Half-Duplex, no Echo) in grado di gestire il protocollo Modbus RTU SISGEO. La documentazione del protocollo Modbus SISGEO vi è disponibile sul sito SISGEO. E’ […]
Egnatia Odos Road – Athens, Greece

Egnatia Motorway was designed to the specifications of the Trans-European road network. Across Epirus and Northern Greece from Igoumenitsa to Evros, Egnatia Motorway is one of the largest road construction projects in Europe, 670 kilometres long and 24.5 metres wide.The realisation of this motorway requires the construction of: 50 road interchanges; 350 entrance / exit […]
FAQ#073 – Qual è il numero massimo di sensori digitalizzati (RS-485, modbus), il numero massimo di catene e la distanza massima del cavo di collegamento in una rete RS-485?
Ultimo aggiornamento: ottobre 2021 Tutti i sensori digitalizzati SISGEO utilizzano il una interfaccia RS485 con protocollo Modbus. 1. Il numero massimo di sensori digitalizzati in una rete RS-485 è 247 (teorico). 2. Il numero massimo di catene di sensori digitalizzati collegabili ad un Modbus master (OMNIAlog e miniOMNIAlog) è 4. 3. Per le distanze massime […]
FAQ#037 – Which is the linear thermal expansion coefficient of the graduated flat cable (tape) of Water Level Indicators (WLI) and BRS settlement probes?
The linear thermal expansion coefficient of the flat graduated cable is 16x10E-6 m/ °C.
Puerto Cabello-La Encrucujada railway project, Venezuela

The section Puerto Cabello – La Encrucijada (Cagua) is part of a more multi-modal and articulated transportation network of freights and passengers. During the first stage of works, the above said section will connect the principal port of the country (Puerto Cabello) to the industrial, agricultural and food poles of Valencia and Maracay. The next […]