Kleinmatterhorns, Zermatt – Rock cliff monitoring

The Alpin X project, implemented by Zermatt Bergbahnen, creates a tourist connection between Zermatt (Switzerland) and Cervinia (Italy) via the summit of the Klein Matterhorn. For this purpose, two new cableway mountain stations have been built at the summit at an altitude of 3820 m on the 50° to 70° inclined rock faces. In the […]
Hisorak dam

Hisorak dam, built on the Aksu River, is located in the Kashkadarya Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The reservoir is designed to provide water storage for the irrigation of Kashkadarya region. The reservoir has a rock dam with a maximum height of 140 m and a crest length of 528 m. Sisgeo, during the […]
Ouldjet Mellegue Dam

The Ouldjet Mellègue dam is a Roller-Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam, located in northeastern Algeria about 13 km upstream of the city of Ouenza, in the Tébessa region. The site of the Ouldjet Mellègue dam is located at the outlet (Ouldjet) of the river Oued Mellègue, across the Jebel Krorza, in the north-east of Algeria, some […]
Piz Nair St. Moritz – Foundation summit station

The Piz Nair cableway mountain station, located at an elevation of 3056m asl in eastern Switzerland, is anchored on serpentinite rock on a permafrost rock layer. Due to changing climatic conditions, the frost zone has changed and thus affects the stability of the foundation. The serpentinite rock is heavily eroded, and the eroded area is […]
Neckartal Dam project

In March 2020 the huge dam of Neckartal was inaugurated in Namibia. This dam is fundamental to bring water to the Namibian desert and irrigate 5 thousand hectares of land, stimulating the agriculture and creating employment. This work, realized with the RCC technology (Roller-Compacted Concrete), is the biggest dam of Namibia: 80m high, 518 long […]
Monitoraggio ponte Hisguara

Questo ponte strallato, uno dei più alti del Sud America, è lungo 580 metri e il suo punto più alto è di 149 metri.È costituito da travi in calcestruzzo posate con sistema a sbalzo, che consiste nel posare le travi senza richiedere supporti intermedi durante la fase di costruzione. L’impalcato è supportato da un totale […]
Termometri e catene termometriche

Codici di riferimento: T111, T2200, T3800 La misura della temperatura viene effettuata per controllare fenomeni con forti escursioni termiche, quali ad esempio il ciclo giorno/notte su strutture, o per compensare gli errori termici di alcuni strumenti. Sisgeo produce sensori di temperatura con tre diverse tecnologie: termistori NTC, termoresistenze al platino PT100 e corde vibranti. Gli […]
Ojo de Agua Hydroelectric project

The Ojo de Agua hydropower project is located close to the village El Carbon in the community of San Esteban (Olancho) in the north east of Honduras. The project will generate 109 GWh/year with an installed capacity of 22.5 MW, a discharge of 6.0 m³/s and a gross head of 418 m.The project consists of […]
Cerro del Águila Hydroelectric power plant

The Cerro del Águila HPP is a hydroelectric power plant located on the Mantaro River in the districts of Colcabamba and Surcubamba, within the Province of Tayacaja and Region of Huancavelica, in central Peru. The Project will be located downstream of the Mantaro hydroelectric complex. The Project is an independent activity from the Mantaro hydroelectric […]
Metropolitana di Roma – linea C

La linea C della metropolitana di Roma attraversa la città da nord-ovest (quartiere Della Vittoria) alla periferia est e si estende oltre il Grande Raccordo Anulare.La linea C ha un percorso completo di 25,6 km e 30 stazioni, passando per il centro storico.Il percorso sarà caratterizzato dal colore verde. Gli interscambi con le altre linee […]
Metro di Atene, Grecia

Dal gennaio 2000 è entrata gradualmente in funzione una nuova modalità di trasporto, moderna, veloce, confortevole, affidabile e sicura. Oggi sono in funzione 23 stazioni della metropolitana su entrambe le linee METRO: Linea 2 SEPOLIA – AGHIOS DIMITRIOS/ALEXANDROS PANAGOULIS (linea rossa) e linea 3. L’intero progetto è suddiviso in: Le stazioni del progetto Base: MONASTIRAKI-ETHNIKI […]
Mujib Dam, Jordan

Project Name: Mujib Dam Purpose of the project: Irrigation and Water Supply Project location: Madaba Region Hashemite: Kingdom of Jordan Client: Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) Contractor:Aegek-Hydrogradnja J.V. Consultant:Lahamayer Dam Type: RCC with earthfill abutments (clay core) Height above foundation: 62 m Crest level: 199 m a.s.l. Crest length: 750 m Capacity of the Reservoir: 35 […]