SISGEO is proud to announce its participation to the project AUDACE

SISGEO and its partners have been selected, along with 16 other groups, of the “Connected Bridges” call for projects launched by the state and managed by Cerema as part of France Relance. The AUDACE project (Self-Diagnosis After a Damaging Shock) aims to provide bridge managers with real-time information concerning the occurrence of an incident linked […]
We are proud to introduce you MD-Profile system

The first Sisgeo solution for grooveless tubes Le sonde MD-Profile sono state progettate per essere installate in catena continua all’interno di tubi lisci e senza scanalature. Il sistema è particolarmente adatto per applicazioni geotecniche o strutturali nelle quali è richiesta una profilazione verticale o orizzontale ad elevata precisione. MAIN APPLICATIONS:• Retaining walls/Slurry walls• Tunnel• Ponti• […]
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If you are interested in receiving regular updates on Picogeo project and this research field register at this link: Picogeo Newsletter SiC NANO for Picogeo is a European project to improve volcano-seismic monitoring
We are proud to introduce you SISGEO RAIL®

Finally the day has come! We are proud to introduce you SISGEO RAIL®, the specialized brand of the SISGEO GROUP dedicated to the railway industry. Thanks to the recognized experience of SISGEO in the field of structural and geotechnical instrumentation, through large investments in innovation and R&D, SISGEO RAIL® is able to meet the industrial […]
SNCF Réseau & SISGEO collaboration announcement

Early 2020, SISGEO joined the Digital Open Lab. This lab is an important collaborative technological platform amongst industrial companies, SNCF Réseau, the FIF (French Federation of the Railway Industry) and Institut de Recherche Technologique RAILENIUM with a common objective to accelerate the digitalization of the maintenance operations as well as the #railway network operation. In […]
Sisgeo is honoured to be part of SiC NANO for Picogeo, a European project to improve volcano-seismic monitoring

The aims of the project is to overcome the limitations of the current instruments for geoscience and geohazard monitoring. Funded by the FET Open scheme of the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme, it aims to develop a radically new dynamic ground strain measurement technology with an ultra-high resolution of 10-12 that is about […]
Un nuovo packaging per i prodotti Sisgeo

Sisgeo è sempre alla ricerca di nuove soluzioni, anche nel packaging. Per questo abbiamo selezionato il miglior partner sul mercato, @Grifal, leader nella produzione di sistemi di imballo di ultima generazione che proteggono i nostri strumenti con packaging ammortizzante, avvolgibile e completamente riciclabile. Grazie Grifal, siamo orgogliosi di questo ulteriore passo verso un futuro sempre […]