Sisgeo is proud to introduce an innovative inclinometer based on a 3-axis Micro Electro Mechanical (MEMS) accelerometer.The selected MEMS has optimal thermal and long-term stability characteristics itself. Sisgeo tested it carefully to guarantee the final performances. However, the accelerometer itself is not capable to provide accelerations with enough accuracy and linearity to make inclination measurement, […]

Discover Sisgeo Group solution for the Rehabilitation and modernization of monitoring systems in dams on our new dedicated brochure

Dams are critical infrastructures designed to manage water resources and produce electricity, many of which have reached the end of their useful life or may require extensive rehabilitation. In 2021, UNU-INWEH (United Nations University – Institute for Water, Environment and Health) published a report titled „Ageing water infrastructure: An emerging global risk.“ The authors urged that by 2050, […]

Introducing the Future of Railway track Monitoring – The Wireless FLX-RAIL® LoRa

SISGEO RAIL® is proud to announce the official release of the wireless FLX-RAIL® LoRa instrument. Thanks to its advanced measuring principle and power saving technology SBV®, FLX-RAIL® is the first instrument to provide continuous reliable data to monitor the cant and twist of the railway track both in static (without train load) and dynamic underload conditions […]

ICGSM – 9th International Course on Geotechnical and Structural Monitoring

Sisgeo will participate to the 9TH INTERNATIONAL COURSE ON GEOTECHNICAL AND STRUCTURAL MONITORING (ICGSM) in Rome, Italy’s capital, on 02-06/05/2023. We’re proud to say that this year we’ll be present as a gold sponsor of the event and that Vincenzo Caci, Sisgeo’s General Manager, will be one of the speakers in the roundtable on the […]

Informatizzazione del reparto produttivo ed acquistato nuove attrezzature

AL VIA – Agevolazioni Lombarde per la Valorizzazione degli Investimenti Aziendali SISGEO SRL – INFORMATIZZAZIONE DEL REPARTO PRODUTTIVO ED ACQUISTO AUTOCLAVE E PRESSA PER CALIBRAZIONE CELLE DI CARICO Iniziativa realizzata nell’ambito dell’Asse Prioritario III: Promuovere la competitività delle piccole e medie imprese / Obiettivo Investimenti in favore della crescita e dell’occupazioneObiettivo: Investimenti in favore della […]

Export Champions 2023

Export Champions 2023 Sisgeo, a leading provider of geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring solutions, is pleased to have been included in the top 50 companies among the 250 Italian Export Champions selected by „Il Sole 24 Ore“, Italy’s leading business newspaper. This prestigious award celebrates innovative and forward-thinking companies that are driving the Italian economy and […]

SIFER 2023

Sisgeo will participate to SIFER 2023, France’s International Exhibition of Railway Technology in Lille Grand Palais, Lille, France. Nicolas Poitrineau and Julien Prouvot will be there to display our solutions and new products for the Railway sector. More info on SIFER 2023 at: https://www.sifer-expo.com/en-gb.html

Siegener Symposium 2023

Sisgeo and Huggenberger are taking part in the symposium for monitoring in geotechnique in Siegen (Germany) 8 – 9.03.2023 . Daniel Naterop will give the presentation: Geomesstechnik für alpine Infrastruktur im Zusammenhang mit Permafrost. More info at: https://www.bau.uni-siegen.de/subdomains/geo/symposium_geomesstechnik/988962.html?lang=deF

The Rail Open Lab was awarded by the French Transport Innovation Agency

The Rail Open Lab was awarded by the French Transport Innovation Agency [ Thursday, 16 February 2023 ] On February the 8th, at the #ForumAIT organized by the French Transport Innovation Agency, the Rail Open Lab, composed of the #RATP, SNCF Réseau, FIF (Federation of the French Railway Industry), and SERCE – Union of the […]

The „tech guardians“ of infrastructures

The „tech guardians“ of infrastructures February 13, 2023 Italy’s extraordinary ability in building infrastructures, starting from the unmatched record of the ancient Romans, is known throughout the world. What is less known is Italy’s global leadership in monitoring dams, tunnels, bridges, railways, skyscrapers, and mines, which is embodied today by Sisgeo, a company based in […]

Pfahl Symposium 2023

Sisgeo will be present at the Pfahl-Symposium 2023 in Braunschweig, Germany. Jurgis Klaudius and Daniel Naterop will be there to display all of our best solutions for every kind of geotechnical applications. More info on the Pfahl-Symposium 2023 at:https://www.pfahl-symposium.de/?Aktuelles

It’s time to celebrate!

We’re so excited to mark this special occasion of Sisgeo’s 30 year anniversary with a special “Dinosaur look to the Future” logo.This logo glances back to our history as a geotechnical company, while offering a new take on our vision and commitment towards technology that enables us to continue developing and growing in the years […]