Mina Gran Colombia Gold

Suministro y entrega de sensores piezométricos para los diferentes frentes de excavación en la mina de oro.Instrumentos instalados: Suministro de piezómetros en cuerda vibrante HD de 1.0 y 3.0 M Pa, con cable armado. Nodos inalámbricos de 5 canales, para la automatización de las lecturas. Tubería piezométrica lisa y ranurada de 2”.
Ptolemaida coal mine waste disposal – The deepest DEX installation (150 m) – Greece

This area, where the two DEX columns are installed, is an old waste rock dump site of an open pit coal mine. The depth of the waste is approximately 150 m and consists of alternating layers of silt, sand, gravels, limestone and lignite. En ella se instalaron:• Two QJ quick joint inclinometer columns, 150m length, […]
Chuquicamata Mine (Codelco), Chile

Chuquicamata is an opencast copper mine, where a relatively poor copper ore is mined in impressive huge amounts. Modern mining and smelting technology allows the usage of such depostits at unrivaled low costs. The ore contains only between 1,13% and 1,18% metals, most of it copper, but also molybdenum and selenium in a very low […]