Mina de carbón a cielo abierto de Cerrejón

Cerrejón es una gran mina de carbón a cielo abierto en el norte de Colombia propiedad de Glencore. En Cerrejón se excava carbón bituminoso bajo en cenizas y bajo contenido de azufre de la Formación Cerrejón. Con más de 690 kilómetros cuadrados, la mina es una de las más grandes de su tipo, la más […]
Hongsa Mine Mouth Power Project and Nam Louk Dam – Laos

The Hongsa Mine Mouth power project is the first and the biggest lignite-fired power plant to be developed in Lao PDR.The project is placed in Hongsa and Muang Nguen Districts of Xayaboury Province, Lao.The plant will be located on a 76.4km² concession area, which is leased for a period of 25 years.It will comprise a […]
Chuquicamata Mine (Codelco), Chile

Chuquicamata is an opencast copper mine, where a relatively poor copper ore is mined in impressive huge amounts. Modern mining and smelting technology allows the usage of such depostits at unrivaled low costs. The ore contains only between 1,13% and 1,18% metals, most of it copper, but also molybdenum and selenium in a very low […]