Cantanghel idraulic tunnel, access tunnel and main tunnels – Italy

Project Name: Martignano Tunnel Purpose of the project: Variant of S.S.47 “Valsugana” Project location: Italy – Trento Client: TOTO Costruzioni Spa – Italy Contractor: Provincia di Trento – Italy Tunnel Type: Double highway tunnel Excavation method: TBM machine Total length: About 4.200 meter Tunnel diameter: 12 meter End of construction: December 2006
Marmaray Tunnel, Turkey

The Marmaray Project is the upgrading of approximately 76 kilometers of commuter rail system in Istanbul, connecting Halkalı on the European side with Gebze on the Asian side with an uninterrupted, modern, high-capacity commuter rail system. This Project is one of the major transportation infrastructure projects in the world at present.
Metro de Madrid M 30 – España

La autopista M30 de Madrid, circunvalación interior de la ciudad, está en el centro de un gran proyecto de renovación urbana. En la actualidad, la M30 es una «barrera» a la circulación en las zonas urbanas que atraviesa. A pesar de su necesidad como parte de la infraestructura viaria de Madrid, contamina mucho el aire […]
Genova Underground Station – Italy
This section of the Genoa subway will improve the transportation to both the Old Genoa Harbour Exhibition Centre and the new Aquarium, improving in the meantime both traffic conditions and the re-organisation of the surface transport network. Works have required important preliminary soil consolidation works and were executed in a heavily populated urban area, without […]
Brescia Metro Italy

In a northern Italian city named Brescia there is one of the most innovative and complex project of the country: a public railway line of about 14 Km longer, that pass through the historical centre of the city. The progress in opening of all the sites and building obtained nowadays show a general situation of […]
Rome Metro B1 Line Rome, Italy

There is a big work in progress in Rome regarding the realization of a new part of the already existing railway B line named “B1 line”. This new branch deviate from Bologna Station towards Africano and Montesacro area, following the way of Viale XXI Aprile, Piazza Annibaliano, Viale Eritrea, Viale Libia, Via delle Valli reaching […]