Rogun Dam Hydropower Project

The Rogun Dam project in Tajikistan is an ambitious hydropower endeavor aimed at harnessing the Vakhsh River to generate renewable energy for the region. Originally launched in 1976 during the Soviet era, the project faced numerous delays due to financial and political challenges, especially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Construction was officially revived […]
Andijan Dam Rehabilitation Project

The Andijan Dam, located on the Karadarya River in the Andijan region of Uzbekistan, is a significant hydroelectric facility. Constructed between 1964 and 1974, the dam plays a crucial role in both irrigation and power generation. The dam stands at 115 meters high and stretches 1,900 meters in length, creating the Andijan Reservoir with a […]
5 New Large Dams in Morocco

In 1967, H.M. Hassan II king of Morocco launched his program to bring better water managing facilities to his country. More than 100 dams had arisen across the country before the 21st century, mainly with the objective to enhance the agriculture sector. In reaction to the global warming and intense droughts suffered by the country, […]
FAQ#123 – What should I do to update the firmware (FW) of the MIND readout?
With new firmware (FW) versions, the MIND app is also usually updated. So, the first thing to do is to check that you have the latest version of the MIND app on your mobile device. To do this, simply go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, search for SISGEO MIND and check […]
Hisorak dam

Hisorak dam, built on the Aksu River, is located in the Kashkadarya Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The reservoir is designed to provide water storage for the irrigation of Kashkadarya region. The reservoir has a rock dam with a maximum height of 140 m and a crest length of 528 m. Sisgeo, during the […]
Pont Nichupté – Cancún

Le projet concerne la construction d’un pont routier de 8,8 km enjambant le système de lagunes Nichupté. Son objectif principal est d’établir une nouvelle liaison routière à partir du rond-point Monumento Antigua Torre de Control, plus précisément au niveau de l’échangeur routier de Kabah où convergent les avenues Bonampak, Kabah et Tulum. Cette connexion reliera […]
Metro De Bogotá – Línea 1

Supply and install geotechnical instrumentation for the Patio Taller, and monitor the construction of the embankment, to keep track of the displacements in the terrain, the proposed works and the existing infrastructure, and the variable pore pressure. It includes the manual and automatic monitoring of the instruments installed for the entire time of construction of […]
Autopista al Mar 2 project

The Autopista al Mar 2 project is composed by six functional units, covering a total length of 254 kilometers between the municipalities of Cañasgordas and Necoclí, in Antioquia. The works include the construction of 17.7 kilometres of single carriageway, 63 bridges and 14 tunnels, including the Fuemia tunnel and two false tunnels. SISGEO LATINOAMÉRICA provides […]
Highway 4G Cúcuta – Pamplona

The Unión Vial Río Pamplonita Concessionaire is in charge of the Pamplona-Cúcuta dual carriageway, the most important road infrastructure work in Norte de Santander. This project is a solution to the border mobility between Colombia and Venezuela, as well as with the northeast of Colombia. The main characteristics of the project are: its length of […]
Neckartal Dam project

In March 2020 the huge dam of Neckartal was inaugurated in Namibia. This dam is fundamental to bring water to the Namibian desert and irrigate 5 thousand hectares of land, stimulating the agriculture and creating employment. This work, realized with the RCC technology (Roller-Compacted Concrete), is the biggest dam of Namibia: 80m high, 518 long […]
Relleno Sanitario Parque Ambiental los Pocitos

The Parque Ambiental Los Pocitos Landfill began operations in April 2009. It is located 15 kilometers from Barranquilla, on the Juan Mina-Tubará road, in an area of 135 hectares, of which 75 hectares are used for the disposal of about two thousand tons of solid waste per day. Sisgeo Latinoamerica supplied and installed a geotechnical […]
“La Linea” Road Pass, Colombia

Tunnel “La Linea”, recently inaugurated, connects Colombia from the south-west to the center of the country, from Portal Bermellón in Cajamarca – Tolima, to Portal Galicia in Calarcá – Quindío. With a length of more than 8 kilometers, it is the longest road tunnel in the Americas. The road has two motorways exits and 13,4 […]