Rogun Dam Hydropower Project

The Rogun Dam project in Tajikistan is an ambitious hydropower endeavor aimed at harnessing the Vakhsh River to generate renewable energy for the region. Originally launched in 1976 during the Soviet era, the project faced numerous delays due to financial and political challenges, especially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Construction was officially revived […]
Urban regeneration: Former Municipal Theatre of Florence

El proyecto de reconversión del antiguo Teatro Municipal de Florencia entre Via Solferino, Via Magenta y Corso Italia implica su demolición casi completa y la construcción de 160 viviendas, tiendas, un gimnasio y un parqueadero subterráneo. Se trata del proyecto de regeneración urbana más importante del centro de Florencia, que pretende remodelar una manzana entera […]
Ituango Hydroelectric project

The 2.400MW Ituango hydroelectric project will be the largest hydropower plant in Colombia. The plant is being built on the banks of Cauca River. The project is located in the northwestern region of Antioquia, about 170km north of the Colombian city of Medellin. The project is a part of the initiative undertaken to exploit the […]
Autopista al Mar 2 project

El proyecto Autopista al Mar 2 está constituido por seis unidades funcionales, las cuales abarcan una longitud de 254 kilómetros, entre los municipios de Cañasgordas y Necoclí, en Antioquia. Las obras incluyen la construcción de 17,7 kilómetros de calzada sencilla, 63 puentes y 14 túneles, incluidos el de Fuemia y dos falsos. SISGEO LATINOAMÉRICA, presta […]
St. Moritz, Chesa Corviglia

St. Moritz Brattas-Fallun, Chesa Corviglia, 22 years landslide and structural health monitoring.Located above the northern part of the town of St. Moritz in Switzerland, there is a 600m wide and about 1500m long clastic flow type landslide. At the sides bounded by parallel shear zones and at the lower end constrained, the Brattas-Fullun landslide is […]
Warsaw Metro Project – Line 2

The 6.5 km east-west route links Rondo Daszyńskiego and Dworzec Wileński includes seven stations and an 870 m tunnel under the Wisła River. The civil works began late in 2010 and became operative in March 2015. In 2016 the works for the extension toward east and west of the second line started, estimated schedule of […]
Celdas de carga electro-hidráulicas

Códigos de referencia de los productos: L2CE Las células de carga electrohidráulicas constan de una almohadilla de acero inoxidable con un transductor de presión. La almohadilla del pistón está formada por dos placas soldadas entre sí en su periferia y separadas por una estrecha cavidad saturada a alto vacío con aceite desaireado para garantizar la […]
Celdas de carga hidráulica para anclaje

Códigos de referencia de los productos: L2M0, L2E0 Las celdas de carga hidráulica para anclajes son usadas para monitorear cargas de tirantes, pernos de anclaje y muros de contención. Se componen de dos chapas de acero inoxidable en forma de anillo soldadas entre sí alrededor de su circunferencia. El espacio anular entre las placas se […]
Celdas de carga eléctricas para anclajes

Códigos de referencia de los productos: L200, ELC420 Celdas de carga eléctricas para anclajes consta de un cuerpo de acero inoxidable en forma de anillo que incorpora de 8 a 16 medidores de tensión de resistencia eléctrica en configuración de puente completo. Las aplicaciones típicas incluyen las pruebas de rendimiento de los sistemas de anclaje […]
Bözberg Railway Tunnel anchor load monitoring retaining wall

The new Bözberg railway tunnel will serve as a 4-meter corridor that will be added to the Gotthard route in order to promote transalpine freight transport from road to rail. The largest sub-project within this plan is the replacement of the existing Bözberg tunnel in Switzerland with a new twin-track tunnel. Sisgeo has supplied since […]
Rome Underground – Line C – Italy

Rome metro Line C runs through the city from North-West (Della Vittoria district) to the eastern suburb and is extending beyond the Grande Raccordo Anulare.Line C has a full-run of 25,6 km and 30 stations, passing through the old town centre.The Route will be characterised by the green colour. The interchanges with the other metro […]
Milan Metro Line 4 – Lorenteggio–Linate – Monitoring of the underpass of railway trails RFI between stations “Forlanini Q.RE” and “Forlanini FS” – Italy

The main aims of the M4 realization are: to realize a new diametrical line from East to West, in order to connect through the historical center some highly populated urban areas that are not well served by the network of public transport; to interconnect with the whole railway system, urban and regional; to realize a […]