Brunt Road LXR – new bridge monitoring

Sisgeo supplied instrumentation for the monitoring of a new road bridge over the rail line at Brunt Road in Beaconsfield, Australia. The Victorian Government aims to eliminate 110 dangerous and congested level crossings across Melbourne by the year 2030, marking the largest initiative of its kind in the history of Victoria. In fact, removing this […]

360° LT-Inclibus array

Códigos de referencia de los productos: LTIB The LT-Inclibus is able to monitor local tilting along a line, assuring the alignment, distance and measuring axis orientation between the gauges. The standard segment is composed by a 2m fibre glass rod with two waterproof gauges, 1m spaced. It is possible to have one or four gauges […]

FAQ#116 – How do I configure a WR-Log digital node to read RS485 Sisgeo TIMED sensors?

Sisgeo digital instruments can operate in two powering modes: TIMED or ALWAYS-ON (for more information see F.A.Q.#094).A string of mixed instruments consisting of TIMED gauges and ALWAYS-ON gauges cannot work.The first thing to do is therefore to check that ALL connected instruments in your array are set to TIMED mode.You can check the powering mode […]

FAQ#095 – How long does a chain of digital sensors take to be read?

It mainly depends from the powering mode of the gauges (refer to FAQ#094 for the description of the powering modes). AN EXAMPLE WILL BETTER CLARIFY THE ANSWER. In a batch of 240 gauges, unless otherwise requested by the Customer, the addresses are settled from #001 up to #240. In a borehole is installed a chain of 30 […]

FAQ#077 – Which are the maximum cable lengths from instrument to datalogger?

The cable lengths depend from many factors, first of all installation and cable protections (screen, earth, etc…). Assuming that instruments are installed in a workmanlike, for the maximum cable lengths should be followed the next suggestions: DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS: see FAQ#73 ANALOGUE INSTRUMENTS: see both downloadable documents.

FAQ # 076 – ¿Por qué es necesario añadir una resistencia de terminación para el último sensor digitalizado de cada cadena RS-485?

Todos los instrumentos digitalizados SISGEO (IPI, inclinómetros, H-Nivel …) utilizan el protocolo de comunicación de serie RS-485. El protocolo RS485 contempla una resistencia de terminación. La conexión en cadena recomendada es de nodos de punto-a-punto (multipunto) como un modo BUS (línea). Estrella, anillo o multiplicar la conexión de red no se recomiendan. Los dataloggers SISGEO […]

FAQ # 073 – ¿Cuál es el número máximo de sensores digitales (RS-485, Modbus), el número máximo de cadenas y la longitud máxima de cable en una red RS-485?

Última actualización: Octubre 2021 Todos los sensores digitalizados SISGEO utilizan una interfaz RS485 con protocolo Modbus. 1.El número máximo de sensores digitalizados en una red RS-485 son 247 (teórico) 2.El número máximo de cadenas de sensores digitalizados que es posible conectar a la unidad maestra Modbus (como OMNIAlog o miniOMNIAlog) son 4. 3. Sobre el […]