Waste water treatment plant Zimmerberg

Waste water treatment plant Zimmerberg

The aging Horgen and Thalwil wastewater treatment plants, situated near Zürich, Switzerland, require extensive renovation to enhance their cleaning efficiency. The two plants are therefore to be merged. The new, modern Zimmerberg wastewater treatment plant (ARA) will treat the wastewater of up to 78,000 inhabitants and industry from 2027. In the event of an extreme […]

Presa de Afşar

La presa Afşar es una presa de enrocado con cara de concreto, tiene una altura de 138 metros y un volumen de relleno de 6 millones de m3.La presa está ubicada en el arroyo Ilıcapınar en el distrito Taşkent de Konya, en Turquía. La presa Afşar ha empezado a embalsar agua, las cuales se almacenarán […]

Ouldjet Mellegue Dam

The Ouldjet Mellègue dam is a Roller-Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam, located in northeastern Algeria about 13 km upstream of the city of Ouenza, in the Tébessa region. The site of the Ouldjet Mellègue dam is located at the outlet (Ouldjet) of the river Oued Mellègue, across the Jebel Krorza, in the north-east of Algeria, some […]

Učka Tunnel – Croatia

THE PROJECTConstruction by Bouygues Travaux Publics Croatia of a new road parallel to an existing one, in the middle of the Učka mountain range. There is therefore digging of a traditional tunnel of 6 kilometers in parallel with an existing tunnel. The two tunnels are connected by branches, which are more sensitive points. The aim […]

Túnel de Crespo – Ruta Costera

Ruta Costera tiene una longitud de 146,6 kilómetros discriminados así: Cartagena – Barranquilla 109,9 kilómetros (Tramo 1) y Circunvalar de la Prosperidad entre Malambo y Barranquilla (Tramo 2) con 36,7 kilómetros, atravesando por los departamentos de Bolívar y Atlántico. El proyecto incluye la financiación, elaboración de estudios y diseños definitivos, gestión ambiental, gestión predial, gestión […]

Mina Gran Colombia Gold

Suministro y entrega de sensores piezométricos para los diferentes frentes de excavación en la mina de oro.Instrumentos instalados: Suministro de piezómetros en cuerda vibrante HD de 1.0 y 3.0 M Pa, con cable armado. Nodos inalámbricos de 5 canales, para la automatización de las lecturas. Tubería piezométrica lisa y ranurada de 2”.

Limfjordstunnelen – Tunnel monitoring

Limfjordstunnelen is a Danish motorway tunnel which connects the highway in eastern Aalborg with the highway east of Nørresundby. Opened 6 May 1969, it was the country’s first motorway tunnel. The tunnel measures 582 metres (1,909 ft) in length, and 27.4 metres (90 ft) in width. Limfjordstunnelen comprises a 6-lane motorway, which is part of […]

Mina de carbón a cielo abierto de Cerrejón

Cerrejón es una gran mina de carbón a cielo abierto en el norte de Colombia propiedad de Glencore. En Cerrejón se excava carbón bituminoso bajo en cenizas y bajo contenido de azufre de la Formación Cerrejón. Con más de 690 kilómetros cuadrados, la mina es una de las más grandes de su tipo, la más […]

Monitoring of the lava flow in Geldingadalir – Iceland

After a period of earthquakes and crustal movements, on 19th of March 2021 a volcanic eruption started in Geldingadalir, a valley in Fagradalsfjall Mountain, located in the Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland). The eruption started as a fissure eruption but quickly developed into a shield volcano eruption, characterized by low effusion rates and lava flow from a […]

Ituango Hydroelectric project

The 2.400MW Ituango hydroelectric project will be the largest hydropower plant in Colombia. The plant is being built on the banks of Cauca River. The project is located in the northwestern region of Antioquia, about 170km north of the Colombian city of Medellin. The project is a part of the initiative undertaken to exploit the […]

Metro De Bogotá – Línea 1

Suministrar e instalar la instrumentación geotécnica del patio taller, y monitorear la construcción del terraplén, para hacer un seguimiento a los desplazamientos en el terreno, las obras propuestas y la infraestructura existente, y de la presión de poros variable. Incluye el monitoreo manual y automático de los instrumentos instalados por la totalidad del tiempo de […]

Piz Nair St. Moritz – Foundation summit station

The Piz Nair cableway mountain station, located at an elevation of 3056m asl in eastern Switzerland, is anchored on serpentinite rock on a permafrost rock layer. Due to changing climatic conditions, the frost zone has changed and thus affects the stability of the foundation. The serpentinite rock is heavily eroded, and the eroded area is […]