T-REX Incremental Extensometer

Reference products codes: T-REX, REX45, S2RCS, CDL300, KLION T-REX, a double-point probe extensometer, has been designed by Sisgeo for incremental measurements along the axis of inclinometer casing equipped with targets. T-REX system is mainly composed by the BRAIN APP compatible with Android and iOS mobile operative systems (device not supplied by SISGEO), digital T-REX probe, […]
Embankment Extensometers

Reference products codes: D232 Embankment extensometers are used to measure soil strains in large earth structures. Embankment extensometers are usually incorporated in filling materials, chained together by means of extension rods. The measuring unit is a telescopic section equipped with displacement transducer. The system consists of several measuring units connected by extension rods to the […]
Cerro del Águila Hydroelectric power plant

The Cerro del Águila HPP is a hydroelectric power plant located on the Mantaro River in the districts of Colcabamba and Surcubamba, within the Province of Tayacaja and Region of Huancavelica, in central Peru. The Project will be located downstream of the Mantaro hydroelectric complex. The Project is an independent activity from the Mantaro hydroelectric […]
MEXID Miniaturized MPBX

Reference products codes: D2MX, D221BM MEXID extensometers, are miniaturized multi-point rod extensometers, used to monitor displacements of measuring points deeply positioned in grounds or rocks, with reference to the instrument head. The main strength of MEXID is the small drilling diameter: only 50mm (75mm first meter only). MEXID Miniature Multipoint Extensometer is furnished completely pre-assembled, […]
MPBX – Multipoint Borehole Extensometers

Reference products codes: D222, D221BM, DTE Multi-point rod extensometers are installed in borehole to monitor displacements at various depths using rods of different material and lengths. A pre-set length of measuring rod is inserted into a nylon tube to avoid soil friction and its tip is fixed to a steel groutable anchor. Preassembled fibre glass […]
Urban Tunnelling: Hakata station of the Fukuoka city subway – Japan

For the tunnel excavation of the Hakata station of the Fukuoka city subway in Japan partial excavation was carried out. A road with heavy traffic and different structures , as subground car park, gas pipelines, important sewers, are situated above the tunnel construction. Taking into account constraints as shallow overburden and unconsolidated ground above the […]
DEX-S 3D extenso-inclinometer

Reference products codes: DEX-S The DEX-S extenso-inclinometer is a 3D probe with an exclusive merge of two sensors: a high accuracy biaxial MEMS inclinometer to read displacements on horizontal axis, and a contactless magnetic sensor to monitor the vertical displacements. A chain of probes installed in a borehole allows the unique advantage to return a […]
ALACAES Pressure plug instrumentation – Geotechnical monitoring for a research project – Switzerland

ALACAES, an Airlight Energy company, is currently constructing a compressed air energy storage solution that enables large-scale electricity storage. ALACAES’ storage solution will be a valuable solution for grid stabilization and energy balance of the electricity network.This pilot plant in Pollegio, Switzerland, to test the feasibility of its electricity storage solution will exploit an abandoned […]
KLION software for inclinometers and extensometers

Reference products codes: SWKLION KLION is a powerful desktop software designed to manage vertical/horizontal inclinometer and T-Rex extensometer surveys. The software was developed in cooperation with the Geohazard Monitoring Group (GMG) of CNR-IRPI (the Research Institute for Geo-hydrological Protection, a branch of CNR, the Italian National Research Council). It allows to import data from both BRAIN systems and ARCHIMEDE readouts […]
Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project – Laos

The Xayaburi Dam is a hydroelectric dam under construction on the Lower Mekong River approximately 30 kilometres east of Xayaburi (Sainyabuli) town in northern Laos. The main purpose of the dam is to produce hydroelectric power.With a planned capacity of 1,295 MW – of which 1,220 MW will be sold to the Electricity Generating Authority […]
Ulu Jelai Hydroelectric Project, Malaysia

The Project will involve the construction of an accumulation reservoir (Susu Reservoir) with two main water intakes, Telom Intake and Lemoi Intake, located upstream of Susu reservoir. The main part of the project is the construction of the Susu dam on the Bertram River, more than 80 m high and entirely built using the advanced […]
Ptolemaida coal mine waste disposal – The deepest DEX installation (150 m) – Greece

This area, where the two DEX columns are installed, is an old waste rock dump site of an open pit coal mine. The depth of the waste is approximately 150 m and consists of alternating layers of silt, sand, gravels, limestone and lignite. Instruments installed:• Two QJ quick joint inclinometer columns, 150m length, with 11 […]