Smart Software for CDL Portable Datalogger

Smart Manager Suite is a package of integrated programs with the following modules:
- SmartManager
- SmartExport
- SmartRemote
The suite has been designed to work under Microsoft Windows OS (XP, Vista x86-x64 and Seven x86-x64) in order to manage completely the new Archimede, Leonardo, New Leonardo and Galileo portable Dataloggers.
Smart Manager synchronizes datas recorded on your PC with datas on DL and manages, in a user friendly way, data creation and change.
Smart Export has been designed to manage easily and quickly DL readings export in Excel or text format, so that data can easily be saved on your PC or be processed from other programs.
Smart Remote has been designed to allow DL’s remote assistance.
Smart Manager Suite allows the automatic datalogger’s software and firmware’s ‘Live Up-Date’. Every 7 days the software searchs for new updates (FW and SW) and, if available, will guide the user step-by-step in the installation. In this way user will always have software’s last version in an easy and effective way.
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