Afşar Dam is a rock fill dam with a front surface concrete coated, it has a height of 138 meters and a body filling volume of 6 million m3.
The dam is located on the Ilıcapınar Stream in Konya’s Taşkent district, in Turkey.
Afşar Dam has started to hold water, the waters that will be stored in Afşar Hadimi Dam will be transferred to Bağbaşı Dam through the Hadimi Tunnel, which is under construction.
From 2014 to 2023 Sisgeo supplied many instruments to develop an efficient monitoring system, which were then installed by the constructor Zemin A.Ş., including:
- In-place inclinometers
- 3D Crack meters
- 2D Crack meters
- 3D Strain gauges
- Earth Pressure cells
- Hydraulic Settlement gauges
- Piezometers
- External Multiplexer Boxes
- OMNIAlog datalogger Cab 8