FAQ#009 – Can the TEL-310S functioning be influenced from atmospheric conditions?

Any factor (water, mud etc.) that could dirty the internal part of the “SUS” optical sensor unit’s cover can influence the TEL-310S correct functioning. So it is essential to protect properly the “SUS” optical sensor unit from weather conditions, leaving anyway the access possibility for cleaning/maintenance. In any case, TEL-310S has an auto-diagnostics able to […]

FAQ#002 – What is the 0TEL310ANS0 adjustable support for TEL-310S and what is it for?

The “ANS” adjustable support (0TEL310ANS0) has been developed to support and fix the “SUS” optical sensor unit (0TEL310SUS0) of the new TEL-310S telecoordinometer. The support is fixed to the wall through two M16 threaded bars, of 370 mm. length (supplied). Once the “SUS” optical sensor unit is fixed to the support, it is possible to […]

FAQ#001 – If the SUS optical sensor unit is removed for maintenance, is it possible to continue the monitoring using the pendulum optical manual readout?

It is possible to use the pendulum optical manual readout instead of TEL-310S “SUS”  optical sensor unit without any regulation of the “ANS” support. It is also possible to start the pendulum’s monitoring with the pendulum optical manual readout and then automate the readings with TEL-310S telecoordinometer , without changing its initial zero.