FAQ#022 – Why NATM pressure cells have repressurizing tubes?

NATM pressure cells are normally used to measure tangential and radial stresses in concrete tunnel lining. They are embedded in concrete and after curing the cell shall be repressurized to mantain the intimate contact between the pessure pad and the surrounding material.

FAQ#020 – How to obtain better results from pressure cells installed in earthfill?

The measurement of total pressure in geomechanics, even if is one of the most interesting parameters for the designer, is generally considered not reliable. Case histories report more nonsuccessful examples than for all the other types of measurements. Theoretical studies made by many researches have highlighted the critical parameters in the design and manufacturing of […]

FAQ#011 – Are the air bubbles present in the liquid mix cause of errors?

Sisgeo liquid mix is de-aired at factory and it is supplied sealed in special tank. However in the DSM reference gauge there is a high sensitive sensor which is able to monitor the weight of the liquid within the reservoir. In the case of the air bubbles come over decreasing the level of the liquid […]