Digital MEMS Inclinometer System

Digital MEMS inclinometer probe represents the most advanced evolution of Sisgeo inclinometer system.
Inclinometer probe, available with 500 mm and 1000 mm gauge length, is manufactured from AISI 316 stainless steel in one-piece in order to guarantee stability and waterproofing for long term operation.
On board advanced electronics (24 bit A/D converter for each axis) in combination with Archimede readout ensure accurate and precise measurements, minimizing troubles during operation.
The digital inclinometer system includes the biaxial MEMS probe, operating cable mounted on reel and the rugged Archimede readout.
The Archimede portable readout is equipped with sunlight reliable large TFT colour display and permits to shows simple graph directly on site.
With KLION software, analyze inclinometer data and create graphs and reports has never been easier.
Digital MEMS inclinometer probe is compatible with all Sisgeo’s inclinometer casings: standard, Flush and Quick Joint
Tiltmeters are instruments that measure angles respect to the gravity acceleration vector. To get this result an accelerometer is required. It measures the projection of acceleration gravity on its sensing axis. Sensor can have 1, 2 or even 3 sensing axes.
The MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) implementation of accelerometers it’s pretty young (about 20years) but mature enough to have its strong reliability been proven. MEMS are indeed silicon chips machined to create a mechanical part inside. The required electronic to read out the signal is inside the same chip.
The working principle is a spring-mass system: a mass (rotor) is anchored with springs to a fix frame (stator). When an acceleration occurs, the rotor moves respect to the stator loading or unloading the springs. That’s it: the displacement measurement is proportional to the applied acceleration. Displacement is measured with different technologies inside the chip but in its simplest form is related to a capacitance measure.
Sisgeo uses the state-of-the-art of MEMS accelerometers that implement several methods to compensate temperature variation and reduce the cross-axis error reaching very high accuracy.
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