Earth Pressure Cells

Earth pressure cells (or total pressure cells) are used to monitor total pressure in earthfill dams and embankments or placed at the interface between the structure and the wall of excavation.
Earth pressure cells are constructed from two stainless steel plates, welded together around their pheriphery. The anular space between these plates is filled under vacuum by deaired oil.
Pressure pad is connected by means of a stainless steel tube to the transducer forming a closed hydraulic system. An electrical signal proportional to the applied pressure may be remotely read on a variety of portable readout units or dataloggers.
Vibrating wire transducer is essentially composed by a taut wire clamped at its ends and tensioned so that it is free to vibrate at its natural frequency. The frequency of vibration varies with the wire tension and thus small relative movements between the two end clamps.
With vibrating wire transducers frequencies rather than voltage levels are measured, so a dedicated readout/datalogger must be used to measure the resonant frequency. These ones excites the vibrating wire transducer, measures the response, performs some calculations on the response, and returns the result.
SISGEO vibrating wire transducer uses ‘pluck and read’ method and not ‘auto resonant’ method; when the readout/datalogger plucks the wire a magnetic attraction is created to the coil and the wire start to vibrate and it causes an alternating voltage of the same frequency of the natural frequency of the wire; the voltage signal is transmitted on the cable and read from the readout/datalogger.
Vibrating wire transducers have a reputation for long expected life and long-term stability.
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